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Funny breathing after waking up

Joshua Manna

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Hey my baby is 6 months old now and this has been happening since i got her not sure if maybe its just a normal thing but here is what I do.


She has the freedom over her cage her behavior is simply amazing so I give her more control over her things because she is so great and she often walks back to her cage for sleep so she leaves my room and waddles over to her cages climbs it and sits on her perch sleeps i often will come after a few hours to get her to talk to her or give her some treats you know normal owner stuff and when I wake her up and give her my finger to jump on she often does this strange breathing sorta like a puff puff and rubs her beak back and fourth on one of my fingers it only fasts a moment but every little thing makes me worry is there anyone who has had experience with such a thing just worried for my girl besides that she is very active a little clumsy from time to time but she walks around and flutters her wings most the day gets lots of exercise.


Thank you

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That's an affection action. Sometimes, they'll rub their beaks on a person. Most very young birds do that but older ones also do it.


Just about every grey owner has a bird that does that. Sometimes a little, sometimes alot. They'll do that in the nest with the parents. Some will puff up, others won't. Nothing to worry about.


Prt him on the head when he does that. No where else though.


Whenan adult bird does that it has to do with sexual excitement.

Edited by Dave007
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