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The Bird Did It: Share Real Stories, Lay People Won't Believe


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Today, I unfortunately had to tell someone at my company I lost those annoying electronic key cards to get in the building, the bathroom, and anywhere that allows me to be productive. To break my tension, I almost wanted to say my bird hid it from me. Does anyone have any stories of the bird eating your homework? Any excuses you've made that were absolutely true, but no one believed because they don't understand how smart parrots truly are.

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I took a class where it wasn't possible to do this week's homework until you successfully completed every part of every prior week's. The only way I could keep up w/this monstrous project was to keep an active copy on a USB stick so that I could steal time to work on it where ever possible.


One week, I'd gotten a huge junk done on the school's computers & was about to back it all up & finish the last of that section on my PC at home. I left the thumb drive on the table long enough to grab a cup of coffee & a snack. When I came back ready to settle down to work, it was gone. Sure enough, Kura had zeroed in on this bright, shiny new toy & carried it off. By the time I finally managed to get it back, she'd ripped the little slider part off & destroyed the drive.


Of course the foolish assignment was due the next day. Of course there wasn't time to redo all my work & get it in on time. So, of course I had to go to school empty handed & the grown adult had to explain (in front of a classroom full of "kids") how my ̶d̶o̶g̶ parrot ate my homework.


...that was fun.

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  • 1 year later...

Wanted to push this great thread back up in view..


Well I have a few just off the cuff. Start hearing my car alarm go off while watching a movie, look down and Dayo is biting the remote entry through my pants..


My Son and family came down for a few days. My son comes from the kitchen to the living room asking if we possibly know where his cell phone went. Asked if dayo had been in the kitchen with him. He got big eyes and ran back in there to find Dayo in on the floor beak dialing....


My wife can't find her car keys one morning, looking all around, she heard a key jingle coming from the family room. Dayo was on the tree stand chewing on the key chain...


I have had to send some mail back to companies with a beak hole or two in them....


I am sure others will have tons of stories to tell as well. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Phoenix chewed my brand new desk chair' date=' ate the envelope for the Netflix movie I had sitting on my desk, chewed the corner of my desk, stole the back off of my desk clock. I've only had him since June so I'm sure I'll be adding to this list. lol[/quote']


Only if Phoenix hasn't eaten your keyboard which I guess he will given half a chance!

If it is any comfort there is a decor style called "Shabby Chic" that could have been designed for people who live with Greys (and other parrots).




Steve n Misty.

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This was my keyboard after Peanut got at it a few years ago. I think there were two keys I never did find. LOL

I don't have a book in the house that doesn't have chew marks.

I remember when in grade school I handed in many papers all chewed around the edge because our Keet loved to be on the floor and 'help' with out homework.


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I have turned in several lab reports and take-home tests with beak marks in them. Thank goodness my keyboard slides out-of-sight! I always leave the house telling Brutus to, "stay off my desk and don't chew my books." I find that if I specifically tell him what I don't want him to do--he doesn't do it. Now when I forget...

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My fav is when Gabby chewed on a Lowes receipt that i needed to make a return, chewed almost all of it but the bar scan but then tossed it to the floor where my dog went and peed on it (marked it). I had to dry it off, put it in a baggie and go to Lowes to explain why they could read or touch it. They still refunded it but laughed the whole time as i stood there red faced.

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Oh my, I have too many stories to share with important documents ,birthday cards, checks, etc. that my birds have destroyed before I caught them.



But my least favorite...chewing up paper money...Rikki gas chewed so many $ 10 & $20 bills to shreds...I have been on my hands and knees many times collecting up the confetti pieces and trying to scotch tape enough of it together to salvage it........then walking into the bank for the umpteenth time re-explain....."My parrot chewed this, can I turn this one in for a new one?"

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I am an English teacher, and I have a part time online job scoring tests for international students. My job is to listen to student responses and assign scores. Well, one day my scoring leader called me to discuss a score I gave and Gracie was chatting in the background. Gracie was pretty vocal, and the scoring leader said, "You know, it is against policy to watch TV or listen to the radio while scoring." I assured her that I was using my earbuds/headphones and was not watching TV, but that it was my parrot. She paused and said..."It doesn't sound like a parrot." To convince her, I went to Gracie's cage and engaged Gracie in conversation. After a minute or two it was clear that it was indeed my parrot and not the TV. My scoring leader then apologized and said, "What kind of parrot is that?" We had a lively discussion about African Greys and the conversation ended with her admitting she had forgotten why she called and to "keep up the good work."

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Grumpy... remove the pencil,replace with a half of carrot. Eventually, it becomes an automatic response. You wouldn't let your two year old chew on a pencil...so you wouldn't let a two year old grey chew on the pencil either! What you tend to do for a child, you do the same thing for a grey!

My kids are adults now. Sophie grew up with them. I no longer need to lock up kitchen cabinets for kids.... but I still need to lock up cabinets to protect Sophie! It will never change. Her behavior is the age of " two forever!" I am just better about it, the third time around! Nancy

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JeffNOK Now I am worried! I didn't know you were an English teacher! Now I feel you will be grading me. LOL! I can sign my name by script! I've noticed my two children in college, whom are computer savy can't sign legal documents by script! WHAT the heck? I stink at computer stuff, they suck with the basic! Nancy


Nancy, they have stopped teaching cursive/script writing to children. It will soon be a lost art. I teach English to international students--people from other nations who want to communicate in English. Every day I spend my hours with Arabs, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian, Angolan, Venezuelan, Columbian, Congolese etc...It is the best job ever. It doesn't feel like work. It is fun! I learn as much as they do. Sometimes I invite them to my home. Gracie enjoys those visits. When she doesn't know individuals by name, she just calls them "people". When strangers come over, Gracie says, "Gracie likes people! Gracie wanna see people! People like Gracie." She isn't afraid. She loves to have company. Oh..Nancy...don't worry. I won't be grading you. When I am home, I am "off the clock". Besides, you have flawless English.

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When she doesn't know individuals by name, she just calls them "people". When strangers come over, Gracie says, "Gracie likes people! Gracie wanna see people! People like Gracie." She isn't afraid. She loves to have company.


JeffNOK, that is such an exquisite bird you have, lucky you, with your job too :)

Here's my little rascal/author again, after finishing his writing session, with his silent accomplice nearby ...


So jobwise, is it only the print writing the kids in the US are taught nowadays?

To be honest, though Cyrrilic alphabet is the pattern of hand/script writing here, in Serbia, I have to say that lots of kids prefer the print form as well, so the writing you mention is almost a lost art even here.


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Nancy, they have stopped teaching cursive/script writing to children. It will soon be a lost art. I teach English to international students--people from other nations who want to communicate in English. Every day I spend my hours with Arabs, Koreans, Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian, Angolan, Venezuelan, Columbian, Congolese etc...It is the best job ever. It doesn't feel like work. It is fun! I learn as much as they do. Sometimes I invite them to my home. Gracie enjoys those visits. When she doesn't know individuals by name, she just calls them "people". When strangers come over, Gracie says, "Gracie likes people! Gracie wanna see people! People like Gracie." She isn't afraid. She loves to have company. Oh..Nancy...don't worry. I won't be grading you. When I am home, I am "off the clock". Besides, you have flawless English.



JeffNOK. How much do you think your training as an English teacher to foreign students has helped Gracie's remarkable grasp of contextual English? You cannot get much more of a foreign student than a parrot!


Steve n Misty

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