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Finding a rescue/ beyond birdie basics

Guest Jocelyn

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Guest Jocelyn

Okay so I thought I would update you guys on the Grey situation and get some opinions. So I followed your advice and I found a bird rescue http://www.avianwelfare.ca/ in my area, they are incredibly well hidden, even on their website they don’t mention actually rehoming birds (the only reason I knew they did is because my friend adopted a Quaker through them), so I shot them an email looking for more info Greys, and to discuss adoption. They seem VERY helpful and sent me a bunch of places to look for info which brings me to my question, has anyone taken the BEYOND BIRDIE BASICS course online? Just curious if it was worth taking. Also this organization hold Parrot seminars and classes at our humane society which sounds really awesome, she said she would put me on the mailing list for next time they start a class.

As for adopting first step is an hour long phone interview to see what type of bird if any would be best for us as a family, then if that goes well the next step is an Adoption Application and we go from there.

I’m excited but we do own a small zoo and we are a young couple which I could see deterring them. It’s getting exciting though!

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