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So I have a story.

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I am not proud of this. But, at least i not longer have to worry about it.



the majority of my kitchen is an island about waist high. Whenever we enter the kitchen, whomever has the parrot, usually puts him down on the island while we go about our business and he plays with the various things on the counter.


There is also a gas stove on the island. The bird prefers to be grasping something I suppose... So he always goes to the stove so he can have a little perch. No matter what we did, he would STILL go to the stove. Until today.



(For those of you with thumping hearts, Chicken is alive and well, and was only scared)


I was making noodles with him on my shoulder, he was chipper, happy and fluffed. Hell, he hadn't even pooped on me. It was a good kitchen trip, all things considered.


until... I let him off my shoulder to drain the pot and mix the sauce into the noodles. After letting them cool I moved him from a side counter, back to the island. While I turned my back to grap some spices he wandered over to a cooling iron pot support on the stove.


The noise he made was the same one he made when we tried the feather tether.



he jumped, I yelled, the dog ran. It was all very scary.



His foot is okay.

He avoids the stove now.

I feel like a shitty owner.

but, all things considered, the lesson is at least, learned.



TL'DR Bird stepped on hot stove. Bird no longer goes near stove. Owner feels like idiot.

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The kitchen is such a dangerous place...lesson learned here ten years ago when my kitten made his first attempt to cross the cooktop. He survived but still has tissue damage on the pads of his feet. No burner remains uncovered here. I still have nightmares about that one. :(


I think this stands as an important reminder that we are all human and accidents WILL happen. As a result we need to be diligent with prevention!

Edited by CLB
one more thing...
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Thats a big fear of mine. I have a flat top stove and I keep a towel on it. Mostly because the one thing I am obsessed with is keeping that thing clean. However, if there is no towel on the stove, then there is no bird in the kitchen. The towel removed means the stove has been used and is cooling down or is being used. I remember many years ago, we had a flat top and one kid who used to visit often would sit on it. When I got tired of telling him to stop sitting on the counter/stove, I just walked by and turned it on.........he never sat on it again either!!

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I think we all agree that the kitchen is the danger haven in our home.

Corky loves her toast and one day when the wife was toasting some bread. Corky flue over and landed on the hot toaster. Well she diden`t stay long and she was ok, its still a heart stopper.

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Gracie used to fly into the kitchen to buzz me and hurry me up when I prepared her meals. I started to worry that she might get hurt in a manner similar to that which you described. Now I have a curtain up covering the kitchen door.

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