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Notes: Always cook anything your going to freeze "Adente"[beans,pasta,veggie etc], when you thaw there will be extra water which will make the food mushy....Beans are the first to gas or spoil, which can happen in under 2hr's after cooking...Cooked and frozen Broccoli develops a strong taste...This is why we always serve fresh... Thanks Jayd

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also just a suggestion, learn how to sprout! Don't buy store bought sprouts...you need to grow them as they are best when the tails are just showing. Sprouts are highly nutritious and a phenomenal alternative to seed. They are also the closest to what birds eat naturally (aside from veggies/fruits). Including raw sprouts in your mash is a great way to add nutrients too. Some people think they are difficult, but if you can make mash you can make sprouts :-). Just a thought!

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