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Missy is now eating her fruit & veg


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Ever since we got missy late last year we were told that her only issue was that she was a seed junkie. I thought that I could get her to eat fruit & veg no problem, didnt happen. I would give her some fruit or whatever & she would just toss it on the floor, time & time again. I tried leaving it in the bowl & it was just stay there till it went sour & in the end I just got fed up & thought this isn't going to happen.


Then last month in June we went on away for a week & missy went to stay with my parents. When I returned they said to me "I thought that she wouldn't eat anything other than seed?" they then told me that she was eating a wide variety of food inc fruit & veg & a bit of what ever they had for dinner. My dad told me all he did was to put whatever they wanted to give her into a bowl I had given them & if they left her she would eat it.


Now the only thing different that I could think of was obviously the surroundings but also the bowl they had used. It was a screw on large bowl that I had never tried before & the only reason I gave It to them to use was because my dad told me that he couldn't find the bowls for the spare cage that they have. It turned out that my dad did find the bowls but still used the ones I gave him for snacks like toast, chips, fruit & veg etc.


So when I got her back home I tried giving her fruit & veg using this bowl & to my surprise it worked. She will eat all different types of food as long as I put it is this one bowl. :D it seems she only likes her seed mix in the stainless bowl & all other foods in this screw on plastic type square bowl. Oh & another thing that helps is I try & give her the veg before I give her some fresh seed.


Great because now she eats her greens. :)

Edited by reggieroo
  • Haha 1
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I wonder if it has something to do with the reflection or even the hue that foods take on from dishes. I know I prefer my food on white, black or red plates and noticed that other colors make the food look unappealing. Someone did a study on left overs wrapped in different colored plastic wrap and people would pass up sweets wrapped in colors because they didn't look good.

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Thats great that you figured out Missy prefers to eat from a certain type bowl and if it works then use it to the fullest extent, maybe she likes the "square" meal instead of a more rounded one. They can be funny and particular about what they like and don't like and its good to hear she is chowing down on those veggies that are so good for her.

Greys do not need a lot of fruit in their diet so some twice a week or so is plenty, they need more veggies especially the darker yellow and green ones.

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She had a nice bowl of fruit this morning, I gave her some strawberries, cherrys, melon & some banana & she ate the lot. :) She will be back on the veg the rest of the week, what I use is some frozen mixed veg & any fresh that we may have for dinner but where not to hot on eating our veg ourselves. :rolleyes:

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Hello my friend, so glad to hear from you, And Missy, they always seem to teach us what we need to know, in their own way....Keep the posts coming, we miss them... Jayd



I do plan on trying to trying to post some more but life is just so busy at times & you get caught up doing other things. We also have a baby boy on the way, who is due in around 6 weeks.:D


Missy is such a character & I often think I'll have to post that on grey forums, I try & get on a little more.

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Who knows why they chose to accept such a simple remedy to cure a big problem! They do it all the time! While Sophie is 12, there continues to be issues to be resolved. I watch her thinking... ( eyes dialate and constrict), she is thinking. ( also a warning) She doesn't warn me anymore. I know when she is learning and thinking. I remind her, " you can think about it all you want, but I have made the decision!"( i'm firm). On the other hand, I listen to her complaints. I am completely open to a resolution that birds need to choose. We have worked it out for years! I know what she wants, and she knows I'm not giving an inch. Nancy

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