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It only took six years!


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What can I say? I feel so proud of Misty today.:D

For the last six or so years Misty has been supervising my washing up in the kitchen. For all that time we would argue over what was going on. He would watch me fill the bowl with water and pronounce "water" or make the Grey word for water by imitating the sound of pouring water.That was quite right. But then as I proceded to scrub the plates I would say " Washing up" hoping he would learn what was going on and perhaps one day even offer to help ( fat chance). But he would say "Water or "showa" every time. He was always very insistant. I would say "Washing up" or "Wash" and he would say "Water!". He simply refused to say "Wash" or "Washing up" . But then two days ago he started saying "Shhh" as I scrubbed away. So I said "Wwater" and then "Wwash" hoping he would put the "Wa" with the "Shhh" and today it happened!

There we were, about to make a nice "Cuppa tea" as Misty puts it and I had to rinse a cup or two and out it came ! A fully fledged "Washh"! I am so proud of him. Our persistance came off. Now no more arguments over the washing up. All I need to do now is fashion a Mistyparrot sized washing up mop to begin the next exiting stage in his learning process. ;)


Steve n Misty

Edited by Mistyparrot
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Alfie is awesome and you have done a GreYT job in helping him master "Wash"! He is so smart and no doubt keeps you in awe all the time. Thanks for sharing this. I love hearing of stories like this showing how in tune they are with us and the activities that go on. :)

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