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I am so amazed!!!

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I am so amazed already at how much I am learning from all you here at Greys forums. What a blessing it is to have found you all. Let me try briefly to tell my story. Here goes... For many years I have heard my husband express how much he wanted an African Grey. Due to our life style I knew it was not possible when the wanting began. After living in Kansas City, MO for many years, and after our children had grown into their adults lives, we finally knew it was time to step into the life of Missionary work in Burkina Faso, West Africa. (A dream that finally became a reality. That is a long story made short in order to get to the point about my bird) We have been in Burkina Faso for 2 years now. At a ladies conference with many other missionaries, I overheard a lady say that she had rescued an African Grey from a horrible situation and was needing a home for him. The rest is history. I quickly made arrangements to surprise my husband and was so happy to have our WOZZI as a part of our family.


The first 3 days were great, with the two them bonding as I had read about, trying very hard not to be jealous. My husband and I both were on the internet day and night trying to read and learn all that we could about Wozzi. Remember, we are in West Africa, so we do not have Avery Vets here to go to, or books to purchase. Then it happened... my husband had to leave town for a few days and during that time Wozzi decided that I was going to be the love of his life. He wont have anything to do with Ken now and continues to bite him anytime he tries show him attention. This occurred 2 weeks ago. I have continued to do research and just 3 days ago, found you all. You cannot imagine how elated I was to have so many of my questions answered just by reading your post.


So here are some of my dilemma's. The only information I have on Wozzi is that it was a Burkinabee family that owned him prior. THAT'S IT!!!! No age or sex is known. I am choosing to call him a HIM only because I am reading that opposites attract. Wozzie appears to be in great health, with all feathers in tack and not seeing him pluck or dig. From what I can tell the only negative behavior I am finding is the biting everyone but me. He shows extreme affection towards me, kissing me constantly with the sound of a kiss, and always wanting me to hold him. We practice step up and step down everyday. He is a cuddlier from what I can tell, by his desire to want to be on my shoulder and chest all the time. His words are very limited. I've only heard "Bonjour" (we are a french speaking country) and just today... HELLO! (a bilingual bird) LOL I started singing to him Old McDonald last week and already he is trying to whistle the tune so I know he is at least trying. Wozzi does make the sound of the chickens clucking really well, so that leads me to think he was outside all the time, which is most likely here in this country. Now Wozzi is in a beautifully made bird cage I had especially made for him that is 6 ft by 3 ft and opens up at the top. (I found a picture off the internet and took it to our iron workers here and they made it for us). It is beautiful!! I will welcome any bit of feedback you all would like to give me if time allows. In the meantime, I will just keep reading and learning and enjoying your posts. God Bless

Burkinagin (Gin)

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Welcome Gin and Wozzie! How wonderful that you and your husband have had two dreams come true now that you have raised your children and were able to fulfill them.


You are doing great work being missionaries and also in rescuing a Grey in need of a loving home. The bitting is something you can owrk on. The thing thing to do is learn Wozzies body language and just know that as you start asking for a step and see pinning eyes, maybe feathers fluffed and head down to just stop and avoid the bite. :) He/She is probably wondering why with all the body language given you keep coming. :P


You will learn many things through trial and error. It's good to hear you are finding the information on the forum helpful. Of course with all the great members we have here an answer to you questions is just a new post away.


I look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :)

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Hello Burkinagin and welcome to our family, so glad you finally realized your dream of owning a grey.

Dan is right, you need to learn to read his body language as it will serve you two well in the coming months and years to deal with Wozzi, there is a thread in the training room that will be very helpful

The first few days were the honeymoon phase which means Wozzi was on his best behavior and now more of his true personality is coming thru, he may be holding a grudge against Ken because he left him but then he found a new best friend in you. He may never allow him to do with him what he allows you to do but that doesn't mean they can't have a good relationship. He will probably interact better with him if you are not around, have him take him to a neutral room to work with him, let him be the one to give him treats and allow Wozzi to make the decision to want more to do with him.

We always welcome pictures here so if you have some of Wozzi you would share with us that would be greyt and maybe one of that awesome cage.

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Thanks for your encouragement. Ken And I are enjoying and loving our Wozzie so much. I have taken a few pictures I will try to get uploaded in the next few days. I go to bed every night with my IPad, reading and learning more and more each day. This morning before I even had my morning coffee, I had my colored straws out with other fun little things to make Wozzie his first homemade toy. Ken was just shaking his head laughing I think more at me with my excitement of Wozzie loving it so much. I also made him a ring out of brown paper with peanuts, crackers and a few other things I know he likes now. I've been telling him "Merry Christmas" all day with all the fun things he is receiving. He has played for hours today and continue even as I type this. I am taking your advice and really studying Wozzie. Again, I am amazed at how much he is communicating to me with his body language.


I have a quick question that I'm not finding the answer too in my readings. How would I know if Wozzie's wings have been clipped to prevent him from flight, or if he has just never learned. After you see the cage our little guy lived in, I am thinking he probably has just never learned. Today in our play time he was really showing out for me and flapping his wings like crazy. The more I praised him, the more he continued this behavior. We had such fun! I apologize in advance for all my silly questions that one should probably know from a little common sense. Also,there is one feather on his left wing that is sticking out sorts and not laying flat with the others. Should I just ignore it? I was hoping after his bath that Wozie would pull it himself, but it's still there. Thanks again...Gin

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  • 2 weeks later...

if Wozzie allows you to touch him you can spread the wing carefully out and you will see clearly if he is trimmed or clipped. but it might take you some time for him to trust you to touch on his wings like that, Marco trusts me a wee bit but hates when I mess with her wings. the only time I do is when I put on her harness to take her outside but she allows me to do it then she tries to chew the harness off LOL :D


In my opinion definately leave that feather alone, Wozzie will find it and groom it :D

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One way to tell if Wozzie is clipped is if his wings cover most of his red tail he may not be clipped.

With Corky my grey if her wings are folded you can not see her red tail. The tail is covered up by the wings.


PS I was looking at the picture in your other post and it looks to me like a bad clip

Edited by Ray P
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