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Is it possible for my two CAG?


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Hello everyone new to the forums and need some guidance.I have 2 CAG Nico and Bella,Nico is about 8 yrs old and was a pet I bought about 4 yrs ago from an older woman who couldn't care for him.Nico is friendly and because I work alot and didn't like leaving him alone I bought Bella who is not friendly she is about 4and a half now they have been together for 2 years now and i am noticing they have began grooming each other.I have left them alone and not interacted with them for some time hoping to get them to breed.I had them in a small cage to force them to interact because at the beginning they wanted nothing to do with each other now i have them in a large 5x5x2 foot cage so after all this my question is can I get them to breed? is there something else I should be looking for or something i should could do to help this love along please and thank you for any advice you can give thanks.

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Hi DiabloGrey and welcome to the grey forum.

Me along with most of the members here have greys as companions and are not into breeding.

We do have a member who did breed greys and he may check in later and give you some advice.

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Thanks for the replies I do leave them alone there in the basement lights are on timers and i monitor them using a wireless cam I only see them when feeding and one was a pet but female is untamed just lookinf for some breeding tactics any would be appreciated thanks.

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Judy is spot on. A tame Grey will not usually become a good breeder. Also, just putting a male and female grey together never means they will become a breeding pair. My best suggestion to you if you really wish to start breeding greys, is to purchase a guaranteed breeding pair. I wish you good luck with this endeavor.

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thanks for your reply judy but as we speak I am watching my tame male regurgitating his food to my untamed female will have to keep u posted but it seems to me something is going on.

I guess your answering your own questions.....

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Thanks for the replies I do leave them alone there in the basement lights are on timers and i monitor them using a wireless cam I only see them when feeding and one was a pet but female is untamed just lookinf for some breeding tactics any would be appreciated thanks.


Hello DiabloGrey

Why do you want to breed your Greys? It is not as though there is a shortage Greys that need re-homing. The idea of keeping your Greys in a basement on their own with automatic lighting leaves me feeling troubled. Are you unable to provide an out door flight cage for them? Greys are primarily social animals so although they live in pairs for raising young they are happiest in a stimulating environment with other flock members nearby weather human or otherwise. Have you thought through what you are doing and why?


Steve n Misty

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Hi there again so l put up the nestbox yesterday and the male has been in it most of the morning while the female kept peeking in and now they are grooming each other is this the norm for a pair ready to breed any feedback is apreciated

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Hi there again so l put up the nestbox yesterday and the male has been in it most of the morning while the female kept peeking in and now they are grooming each other is this the norm for a pair ready to breed any feedback is apreciated


"Have you ever bred any fids before? I 'm sorry, I can't advise on this matter, not quite sure of it yet. My worry is the "Tame Grey", not normal."

Did you have a reply? Thanks Jayd

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