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Oliver, Stewart and introducing Bubba...?.....


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For those just starting to read about this clan of fids, let me try and catch you up. In Jan of this year i rescued an afican grey, Bongo aka Stewart and a very sick b&g macaw, Oliver. Jake was his original name but when he came here all he had was his tail feathers and one row of feathers on his wings and one small row of green feathers over his eyes, like a uni brow. He looked like a stuffed olive, hence his new name. Oliver's bloodwork came back positive for pdd, macaw wasting disease. Still a concern for us but things are looking up. Both came from the same place so Stewart was already exposed. I can not rescue anymore birds unless they are from this same home, which is what is happening now. Sunday, if all goes well, we will be bringing Bubba into our flock. He and Oliver and Stewart lived together for a while until the owner started getting sick more and more and couldn't handle all these guys. He has since been told he has cancer which has progressed rapidly. Chemo is making him to sick to care for these guys and his wife is having a hard time keeping up with it and him to.

They asked us to care for Bubba because he is taking this very hard and has started plucking. Bubba was a show bird who has a large vocabulary, is flash card trained and speaks sentences not just words. He loves the bathtub and being on his back getting belly rubs. I was told that when you try to correct him when he is doing something wrong he will look at you and say, "Blah, blah, blah!" This should be interesting. They are bringing him over on Sunday to "check us out". We purchased a cage yesterday for him and already have toys in it, yes, we are saps.

Fingers crossed the owner is feeling good tomorrow and this will go smoothly, otherwise it could be another week of plucking. That being the case, i will be running a nudist camp and not just have one nudist rebel!

I will let you know tomorrow what happens!

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I can't believe i didn't mention he is a blue and gold macaw. Heard from them tonight. Her husband asked if we could wait till next Sunday, she said he got really depressed last night after we had talked and asked for one more week with him. Well of course he can, i can wait to open my nudist camp! Lol She assured me that it will happen next Sunday. She wants to make a list for us of his "habits", for example when he wants attention he hollars "ouch" , when he wants a bath he says "Bubba want tub". She is also making a food list for us of his likes and dislikes. I am okay with waiting though really, it gives me more time to set up the cage and the room!

I forgot to mention, the couple i bought his cage from delivered it for and we got to talking about how we got started with birds. I mention that we always loved birds and had them before. It was a few years ago when a little black mask lovebird flew into our home that we realized how much we missed having a bird. (i had the actual date on a picture we took of him) turns out, this couple lost the same type of bird a few weeks before that picture was taken. He really thinks it is their bird! He doesn't want him back, just happy that he is safe and happy. Small world huh?

Edited by murfchck
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I went back to one of your earlier threads and found out it was a blue and gold macaw, knew when you said he used to be a cage mate of Oliver he had to be some kind of macaw.

I know you wanted it to happen this weekend but once it does happen it will be his last home but understand how his present owner must feel about losing him to another person but he should feel good about where he is going for he will be well cared for.

I can't wait to see pictures of Bubba.

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Oh i fully understand how he must be feeling. He loves this guy alot and he is putting bubbas needs before his own and i commend him for that. I have assured him he can come by whenever he feels up for it.

We set up Bubbas cage in with Olivers and let Oliver choose which one he wanted. He went to the new one walked all around it, then in it, then on it, then right back to his cage! Guess he made up his mind! Now my mission is a stand. I think i need a bigger house!

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Yep, i now have two cages in one room and a two drawer file cabinet to hold a lamp and their supplies and thats all that fits! We had to remove the door frame to get the cage into the room and neither fit back through after assembled. This makes cleaning a huge burden!! Lol

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We may need to create a naked bird page, one just for pluckers & mutilators. I have one feather shredder U2 only when he feels ignored and one mutilator E2 who has to wear a jacket and neck bubble most of the time the final bird is a CAG who is a nervous neck plucker. Our own little nudist colony is growing on here.


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Speaking of large cages, we recently bought a huge corner cage Macaw sized. Offered it to the big Too first but after trying most of the flock in there Pookie, CAG girl claimed it as hers, does not like leaving it afraid some one else might take over. For some reason Fred Fred the E2 is allowed in to visit for a while before she chases him out.

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Thats funny! I use to feel so sorry for naked birds but they don't care, most are not sick as i always just assumed, they just feel comfortable in their own skin ( so to speak )

I would like to ask something about what Oliver is doing. Moaning, i mean really moaning, like the noise we make when we are relaxing. Is this normal? He sounds pathetic! Only does it when he is dozing off. He just started this noise about a week ago. He also makes a kiss sound now which i understand macaws don't mimic, but it is a kiss sound when i ask for a kiss.

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They can mimic a kiss sound, we have one or two Macs at the Sanctuary that can "Kiss". The moaning could be a mimic as well but if it sound like an involuntary sound I would ask the Vet. There is an Amazon at the Sanctuary that makes bedroom activity sounds including some moaning .

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I am going to keep an eye on him. He only does it when he is trying to nap during the day when he is on his stand so i don't think he is sick, i think he is forming a habit. Lol.

Heard from Bubba's owners tonight, just touching base with us. She said that they had Oliver before (which we knew already) and he talked alot, full sentences. I hope that if he did, Bubba will bring it back out! Also found out that Bubba is three years old!

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I just got a picture sent to me of Bubba. Not the best picture, it is hard to see what he looks like ( plucking ), i see a little on his wings where he has pulled and it kinda looks like no feathers around his crop area BUT, he is taking a bubble bath so it could be bubbles, she said he likes to play with them. I am shaking my head at that, i didn't think that was safe ( Dawn) Sunday at 1 can not come soon enough!


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It is just precious that you are keeping these birds together. It will be interesting to see the reunion take place when these three get together again after some time apart. It has to be a wrenching decision for the man who is letting them go and I am sure they know you are going to be the best possible choice they could make to keep them together and in the best of caring loving homes. It makes me a little teary for all concerned. We have had the heartbreak of PDD in our home and it is hard to open up and be there for whatever it takes to keep them going and hope for a breakthrough in research. You have my greatest admiration.

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For us it will be hard, but knowing that he is living out his life to the fullest makes it worth it!

I enlarged the photo of Bubba and am 99% sure his tail is there, just under the water! He does have some missing on the top of his wing though.

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Today is the day! I am so excited/ nervous that i woke up at 5 am, this will make for a longer wait but there is always cleaning to keep me busy! Friday my hubby bought me an early birthday present, a huge, i mean huge, large enough for all the fids, manzanita playstand! Only the macaws will be using it though. Bongo is scared of Oliver so he will still have his own stand, of course we tried to see if he would like the tree and that scared him too, lol. I will get some picts as soon as i can of them on it!

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