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I am ZulusMom, and I am an addict....


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I cannot stop buying toys, parts to make toys, browsing for toys. Foraging toys, shredding toys, puzzle toys, preening toys, noisy toys (Im going to regret these ones, I can see it now). Zulu wont even be home for another 3 weeks or and so he is already the most spoiled bird. I have bags and bags of toys and just bought a ton of in-shell nuts and a huge variety of beans to make bird recipes.


My previous CAG was never a big toy guy or chewer but he loved his darn bell and would beat the stuffing out of it. (my gosh I'm a loon, I'm crying at the memory just writing this...its been 7.5 years since he passed!)


I have no idea what Zulu will favour, but I am prepared!! What are some of your Grey's favorite toys?? I'd love to know if there are some things they favour over others.

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Touching really. I find myself looking for toys and toy parts everywhere I go. My Grey likes cardboard the best and her new swing. She doesn't spend much time actually playing with toys. I have no idea what to expect from the new Amazon, but the shopping sure is fun!

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Amali tends to like the things she sits and "helps" make. Typically I sprawl stuff all over the living room floor as I make toys and Amali will wander from her stand, to my lap, to everything laying around. Once the toy is finished, no need to be afraid because she's seen it all!

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Well, my hands are green and blue from veggie dye (bird safe), my fingers are sore and I have a bunch of new toys I just made, never mind the ones I bought. Now I need 4 more cages to put this stuff in! Rotation to prevent boredom will NOT be an issue in our house!! lol My fiance now thinks I have a screw loose though. Actually, he knows what he got himself into, I had several dogs, cats and a Grey when he met me 8.5 yrs ago ;-)


Ray P : I dont just cry, I bawl like a kid, and I am not typically an emotional person. On my 2nd visit to see Zulu I started sobbing uncontrollably and they ushered me into a private room, I think mostly to hide the crazy crying lady from other customers!! LOL. If I saw a Grey I was utterly inconsolable for several years after Garth died. I'm finally ready for another after all this time I only just parted with his cage 3 weeks ago. I sold it to buy Zulu his own, he deserves a new home of his own, not one with Garths memories attached. I still have all Garth's toys. I threw nothing away. I'm not big on people for the most part, my profession led me to see the worst in people, maybe I am jaded, but if it involves animals I'm just a huge sucker. I tend to favour like minded people too, if you dont like animals then I probably dont like you!


Amali: Such a good idea!! That would certainly help with birds that are leary of new toys. I will remember that if Zulu is one to make strange with new things.


CLB & Koekie: My VISA card may disagree!! I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but I'm Canadian (Toronto, Ontario) and Amazon.com won't ship me the stuff I see on there, I know, I tried already, dammit!!

Edited by Darwinsmom
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ZulusMom You are going to be a GREAT mom! You already are! I will offer suggestions in the near future, but I just want to take a moment on this site, for all of us to say a prayer for Garth, and remember him. You will always love him, and remember. You are not replacing him, you are opening your heart to someone that needs your love. He would be proud of you. I totally understand. Nancy

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Thank you Nancy, not many people understand what these guys mean to you. Garth affected me far more than any dog or cat that I have owned (not that I dont love or miss those who have passed on). Perhaps because he was not quite 13 and it was sudden. I expected him to grow old with me. He died of liver disease, which apparently was a problem with that breeders line. I was in my 3rd yr of law school (went to back to school after my divorce), and about to write a major exam when we found him. It was Dec 21st 2004. I called school and told them I couldnt come in, a family member had died. No one "got it" except my Mom (she sent me flowers) To them he was "just a bird, get another one'. Its nice to find people who understand how they affect us, I didnt have this type of forum then. I'm glad I've found you now.


Anyway, back to the present....you're right, Zulu is a new baby and he's a SPOILED baby....now that my kids are grown (mostly, youngest is 17) I have someone to spoil again! 3ish weeks and cant wait!

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I have to admit that I too am an addict. I have boxes & containers full of birdie toys & toy making parts. I have found with Biscotti that he seems to have fads with different things. Beads knotted on leather lacing, birdie bagels ( the 4" are his favorite), the toys that he can destroy like the birdie pinatas and just a plain brown lunch bag with a few assorted things inside that he can "discover" are always favorites. I have found that the toys with big chunks of wood are not too interesting to him. It really varies with each individual bird so you will have fun finding what Zulu's favorites are.

Thanks for sharing Garth's memories with us, all of us LOVE our fids and other pets & we "get it". Zulu is one lucky little birdie to be joining you!

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I completely understand the toy thing. I have a huge basket of goodies and a cage so full Jake won't have any room to play. I need to get in there and arrange the in cage toys and hang the out of cage toys. Parrots have quiet toys? I bought one with 3 coconut shells and 12 bells (4 hanging on each shell). I still have foot toys to make but that will be next weeks project.

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Well, my hands are green and blue from veggie dye (bird safe), my fingers are sore and I have a bunch of new toys I just made, never mind the ones I bought. Now I need 4 more cages to put this stuff in! Rotation to prevent boredom will NOT be an issue in our house!! lol My fiance now thinks I have a screw loose though. Actually, he knows what he got himself into, I had several dogs, cats and a Grey when he met me 8.5 yrs ago ;-)


Ray P : I dont just cry, I bawl like a kid, and I am not typically an emotional person. On my 2nd visit to see Zulu I started sobbing uncontrollably and they ushered me into a private room, I think mostly to hide the crazy crying lady from other customers!! LOL. If I saw a Grey I was utterly inconsolable for several years after Garth died. I'm finally ready for another after all this time I only just parted with his cage 3 weeks ago. I sold it to buy Zulu his own, he deserves a new home of his own, not one with Garths memories attached. I still have all Garth's toys. I threw nothing away. I'm not big on people for the most part, my profession led me to see the worst in people, maybe I am jaded, but if it involves animals I'm just a huge sucker. I tend to favour like minded people too, if you dont like animals then I probably dont like you!


Amali: Such a good idea!! That would certainly help with birds that are leary of new toys. I will remember that if Zulu is one to make strange with new things.


CLB & Koekie: My VISA card may disagree!! I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing but I'm Canadian (Toronto, Ontario) and Amazon.com won't ship me the stuff I see on there, I know, I tried already, dammit!!



Try amazon.ca instead of amazon.com http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=sr_nr_i_0?rh=k%3Aparrot+toys%2Ci%3Akitchen&keywords=parrot+toys&ie=UTF8&qid=1341629430

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Oh my goodness Wingy, I was arranging Zulus cage all day to be sure there is no interference between toys, that all perches have clear poop pathways so he doesnt poop all over anything below from the higher perches, making sure there is space for movement and toys are in reach but not TOO easy to get to (we want the foraging toys to be a little harder to get into!). I think I rearranged it 12 times until it was perfect! lol

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The .ca version doesnt sell any of the good stuff....*sigh* i looked. I went to Parrotdise Perch instead. They are great and have a store near me plus delivery. http://www.parrotdiseperch.com/parrot/index.php

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my entire dinning room is now covered in boxes of "marco" stuff lol I think we all can relate to some level. i also put in alot of time making marco toys from home including her tree stand is entirely home made, her bath stand home made :D but then again I like doing that sorta stuff and yes they can sit there and help you while you are crafting for them :D

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