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Sunday is My Special Day!


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Hi fellow flock members. This is RIkki.


I LUV this room. A secret place with no parronts, now if I can only keep Nilah away, she can be such a brat. More about what it's like living with her later.


Sunday is MY special day! It will be 4 years ago that I was brought to this home by my other parronts. I remember it was a long car ride, they put me in a tiny cage, and put my own room into their car. I like car rides, so I whistled and chirped the whole way. After what seemed like we'd never stop, we did. I didn't know what we we doing but they took me out of the car and carried me into a house I had never been in before. There was a lady there who seemed kind of sweet and nice. They put me down, said some words I didn't understand to the new lady, kissed me, petted me, cried and left......it didn't make me sad, cause that was my third home and I had only been there 5 weeks. They didnt like my whistling and thought I was too noisy.


So here I was, in another home.....wondering how long I would be here before I went to my next one. I spotted a smaller grey in a cage across the room so that was cool. We whistled back and forth. The new lady opened my tiny cage up, said some words to me, offered me a little treat and I marched out of mycage right up onto her arm. There were playstands, and hanging stuff all over the house. Pretty cool I thought.


Oh, and not long after, my momma as we call her bought me a mansion!!!! I felt pretty special. My wings were clipped and I had never flown, so I sat wherever she put me for a long time. I would watch the other grey they called Talon fly and wished so hard I could do the same.....but when I tried, I went a tiny distance and crashed onto the floor :(

It took me about a year and a half before I could fly and go where I wanted to. Boy was that fun!!! I felt like a whole new bird!!!!!! Life was great!!!


BUT! I was waiting for the day when I would be taken some where else. I liked this lady and her kids, but I was very afraid to love her. See, I had loved a man and a woman very much when I was a baby living with them. They had me for a year and half, then the man died, and the woman gave me away. I missed him so much, I loved that family.


After I was in my home now for 2 years, I startled to realize that maybe I was gonna get to stay here. Momma kept telling me this was my forever home. I didn't know what forever was, but she sounded reassuring. I finally after a couple of years decided, maybe I should love this family too, maybe it WILL be okay.......so little by little, I allowed myself to love this family.


Well, Sunday will be 4 years, and I am still here!!!!!! I am very happy! I love all my family.


Momma used to tell everyone I was moody, she was right, but what she didnt know was I was happy and loving one day, then remembered that I was gonna be made to leave, and I would get mean and nasty the next. This lasted about 2 years......it took momma a long time to understand why I was moody, but now we are all one happy flock!!!!!


And the best part????? I now know what a forever home is....:cool:



Edited by Talon
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Hi my name is Cricket a Blue Fronted Amazon and I think Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Thur., Fri. and sat. should be my special day. I want my dad to be with me all the time, but he is not. I have to change that.

Corky, Little One and Willie have had him for years before I came along so I have a lot of catching up to do don`t you think.

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Hello Rikki...Joe here...I understand the depth of feelings that you have endured. Hope can be one of the cruelest and best parts of life. Finding a forever home and truly believing it is wonderful. Life goes on and while....Squawk!!!!

Joe! Move it over Bro...hereeee's Salsa!!!!! Hola everybody! Hey, what's Nilah got to say? Hey Cricket, what's hangin'? I like Saturday and Sunday because Mama is home aaallll day and we love to climb and play (and bite) on Papa...hehehe! Look over there...Tango...she just has that stare...uh, what you say, Tango baby?

Tango baby, Hmmmph! Come to my cage and I'll take you out for a bite...I like both white and dark meat!

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Hay Salsa Cricket here I`m hangen from the top of my cage and dad is walking on the ceiling.

Hay Nilah what`s up (the ceiling ha ha ha).

Hay Nilah and Salsa we have to make sure we get our fair share of time in this new room don`t you know. Can`t let them greys get the better of us.

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