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Bird not so smart


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Okay. I think my african grey has a pooping problem. It poops on me every time I pick it up. It also poops on its food and will eat it shortly after. I feed her Harrisons High Potency and don't think it is nutritional deficiency. Otherwise she is a smart bird. What should I do? I want her to potty train her so I say poop every time she poops but I dont think she is getting it. Also, I don't think she knows her name even though I've managed to teach her colors. I say Tezy and no response...not even a glance. Help!

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Quite simply, potty training is going to be a game of patience for both of you. The only way you can teach her what you want is if you reward her in the appropriate context, and "put her back" if she does something wrong.


My bird took me about 2 months to completely potty train. What he knows now is that before someone picks him up, he should poop to "get it out of the way" first. If you walk over to his perch and say "make a poo" generally he'll squeeze one out because he knows that otherwise, nobody is going to play with him. It's actually funny now because sometimes his poops are so small you can tell he's forcing out whatever he can just for attention. There are always going to be the occasional accidents, but for the most part, you can set boundaries. It's also very important to become accustomed to how often your bird will need to go, or if there are particular times he'll need to go for sure (for instance, if you wake him up).


While you are in the same room as your bird, whether he's in the cage, or not, ask him to poo. He won't understand at first, but do not pick him up until he does it. He will poop within 5 minutes anyway. As soon as he does poop, praise him and offer a treat, and pick him up only then, but also repeat the cue "make a poo" so he'll associate it with the action. If he is on you and he poops either on the floor or on you, put him back on his perch and walk away. If possible, make sure he watches you clean up after him.


Over time this will get easier. My bird has now learned that when he has to poo he'll point his beak in the direction of his perch and make noise (he doesn't talk yet). They're meant to communicate... it's what they do best. You'll just have to pick up on it.


Best of luck!

Edited by Brendon.
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Oh and as for the pooping in the food thing, make sure first of all that there are no perches or toys positioned above where the food bowl is. Often they'll poop in there purely as an accident.


If your bird is chronically pooping in her food and eating it on purpose, you might have a broader problem on your hands, although this is unlikely. This would most likely take the form of a nutritional deficiency, but again, if you ensure she's eating a balanced diet it shouldn't happen.


Young birds sometimes pick up dumb habits that don't make much sense to us... the average toddler will likely eat a worm or two just for the sake of it. This might be something she'll stop doing soon enough.

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.I would not say your grey is not smart, After all, when Tezy poops who clesns it up, Not tezy.

My grey Corky will poop on her T-Stand when she is out of her cage.

This may help.

A grey will poop about every 20 to 30 minutes and before they poop they give a sign of the comming atraction like a tail wiggle.

Time your greys poop cycle as differant greys and there diet may be defferent from one anouther.

Once you know your greys poop cycle you will time from one cycle to about the next one and watch for Tezts sign or just put her on a T-Stand or where you want her to go and say go potty or bombs away or something like that and when Tezy poops tell her GOOD TEZY !!!! and than wait for the next cycle and do it over again.

It took Corky about 4 or 5 cycles and she had it down. Make sure that you praise her each time she poops on the perch or where ever you want her to go.

Praise Tezy every time she goes where you want her to. Just remember you have to take her to her poop place in the cycle and if you miss its your fault and not hers.

In time she will go to the spot on her own just to make you happy and some times there will be an accident. Thats life.

Always watch for the poop dance and the tail wiggle


P.S. Never force a poop by doing it to close together, Its not good for them.

Edited by Ray P
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