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Talon the Tattle Tale!!!


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Hi ya all, my mommy (who I love dearly) told us all about this room and why she builded it. I don't really believe her, she said it was for all the birds here, but I think she started this room just to keep us busy and out of her hair. See she has a laptop, an iPad and computer, one for each of us at the same time. Hmpf!


Well, I just wanted to complain bout Talon, she is such a little tattle tail. Every time momma leaves a dish or plate out on the counter, I run over and try to flip it off onto the ceramic floor to watch the explosion and hear the loud noise. It always sends my momma running to see me and she looks funny running frantically towards the kitchen and yelling. But Talonhas to tattle and yell "rikki, stop it!" then momma hears her and comes in before I get to have any fun. :( ( ya, I know, pretty impressive I can make a sad face on mommas iPad ) Well, sometimes I hate Talon, she's such a tattletale.....I'm gonna get her back one day......not sure how, but I will!


Thanks for listening, I feel a bit better now...Rikki

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Joe here...right on Talon, you have to keep these others in line. I know it won't make you popular but someone has to do it or they will run roughshod all over. Rikki, you listen to Talon. She is just trying to keep your momma sane...

P. S. Did you hear how big Sterling Gris is? I certainly do not want to get on his bad side. Okay, Babe is calling us for dinner. If I finish, I get my good nut.

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