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Skye chewing middle flight feathers


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I have had Skye now for 3months. Everything is getting better except for one thing. He is chewing his center flight feathers. He is not plucking them just chewing them off a little at a time.


The first 4 flights are not touched, the next 6 are chewed down basically to the top layer of feathers on a wing and then the rest of the wing feathers are untouched. This is on both wings. You can't see that they are chewed unless he extends them.


When he came, they were short like this but a little longer and she left the first 4 or so flights uncut, just did the center of the wing and the lady said she trimmed them....I was like WHY???


He gets daily aloe juice mists and bathed 2x a week. He is also on avi calm and featherific. He has a avi bulb and is givin roudybush pellets and Higgins safflower seed mix. He eats cooked Corn and peas but no other veggies or fruit, but I offer them.


He has been vetted and is healthy.


Any suggestions on what to do to help him stop would help a lot. He has really started to chew them more in the past week and nothing here has changed so I am at a loss.

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I'm so sorry aisia! There are alot of folks here that have excellent advice regarding chewing. I understand about the baskets! Kiki my Amazon lands on the refrigerator and tries to chew my Longenberger baskets! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You sound like you are doing all the right things. Don't ever take it personal. Some birds chew, for no reason. Has nothing to do with parrenting. Nancy

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