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Hello from Ireland

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Hi all,

I am new to this forum, and wanted to introduce myself. I have owned birds for many years, but only have my Grey for a year now. She is just adorable, loves me and hates my husband!

So far we have had no real problems with her, apart from the fact that she thinks she rules the roost. Her favourite expression at the moment is "I am going to win!" Which is something I say to her when she decides she isnt going to do what she is told!


I love her dearly, and she is getting easier and easier to amuse as she gets older, as she is beginning to understand the rules. (No touching the laptop, books are not for chewing, heads are not perches etc!)


At the moment I have 4 little birds, 3 budgies and one cockatiel. I have also owned kakarikis. This is my first venture with a bigger bird, and I am definitely hooked.


I hope to have some great times here, and learn loads!



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Hello and welcome to the family, Siobhan, glad you could join us. You are finding out that you have an awesome creature in your grey.


This is a common story of your grey loving you and not liking your spouse, and mine is no exception. Josey is my bird but she only tolerates my hubby, but she is gradually letting him do a little more for her so maybe eventually she will allow more.


What is her name and you said you have had her for a year but how old is she and did you get her as a baby?


We do have lots of information here in our topics and threads, read thru many of them for useful info on a variety of subjects. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask us anything, we will do our best to get you an answer as soon as possible and help you in any way we can.


If you have any other photos besides the one in your avatar that you would like to post please do so, we love to admire each other's greys.:)

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Apologies, I should have said that she is just over one now. She was 4 months when I got her last Halloween. Luckily for me, Liath is my bird, and I am so glad that she (or is it he) likes me. I would be so upset if she preferred my husband!


She is getting better with him, he is being very patient. Now she will beg from his plate, and will take food from his hand. But she won't step up for him. She tolerates the kids, and bites the dogs.


Its funny, at first I was terrified that they would hurt her, but now I have to keep them apart for the opposite reason. She is SO mean to them. Luckily for the little birds, she is afraid of them. They move so fast and there are four of them. When they are out, she hides behind me and burys her head in my hair.


Don't you just love them!

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Hi from Arkansas. and welcome. Was interested to see that you used to have kakarikis. I am originally from New Zealand, where they originate, and would actually love to have one, but can't find one here.

Am impressed that your husband can do anything at all with Liath. Joe just exists in Beckettes eyes to be the bitee, and she is the biter!{Feel-good-0002006E}

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The kakarikis didnt last long in my house (about 6 months). I have read about people who have them as pets, but honestly they hated me and mine. Perhaps if I had had them singly they might have been better. They ended up having two clutches while they were here, of which they were very protective and very aggressive towards us. In the end I gave them to a friend of mine who is a breeder. I had worse bites from them, than I have ever had from Liath who is 10 times their size!



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Hi there siobhan and everyone else my name is mervyn and i am from waterford ireland i bought my first grey only 3 days ago he/she is only 13 weeks old so hes addapting to my house now as we speak i have seen huge progress in such little time with him i.e no snapping at me entering the cage ,acknowledging me when im talking i am absolutley blown away by him so soon .I have left him out of cage on 2nd night for little while and he few aimlessly around the room hitting walls etc for few mins without injuring himself and then started to crawl up my hand onto my shoulder , is it normal for him to fly into walls a few times when been first let out ? I know he will find his feet in time im sure .

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Hi Mervyn

I wonder are our babies related? Mine was hatched in Cork and handfed in Portlaoise or somewhere near there. Any idea where yours was hatched?? Arent they just gorgeous though?


Did you get him in a petshop or direct from the breeder? Liath didnt crash, but then she didnt fly for about 3 weeks after we got her. She was 16 weeks old, but I dont think she had been given the chance to fly. What are you going to call him/ her? I liked Liath because it doesnt matter if I find out that she is a he later on! Plus it helps my kids with their spellings, they had colours last week, and they all knew how to spell Grey!!!


I spent a lovely weekend camping in Waterford during the summer, how come you get the sun and we get the rain???



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Hi siobhan we called him/her "lucky" hes lovely he was bred in bray i bought him in a big farm up there called copeland farm or something like that , many many species up there and the guy is really nice , he was HR and is only 13 weeks old , not sure if the winga were clipped i must ring the breeder to ask him if not i may get them clipped by the vet of course .he had no problems me touching him or picking him up at all whereas the first day or so he looked a bit frightened which is understandable .So glad i found this site to chat with people in my possition .So where about in the greenland are you from siobhan ?

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I am living in Westmeath, near Tyrellspass, but I am from Kildare. I have been here for 3 years, and I absolutely love it. It is convenient to everywhere. 2 1/2 hours Cork, 1 hour Dublin, 1 1/2 Galway. Who could ask for more? And the scenery is out of this world. The view from my bedroom is over the Esker Riada (Old Roman road from Dublin to Galway). In Kildare everywhere is so flat, my view was sheep, sheep and more sheep.


I havent actually clipped Liaths wings. She just loves to fly, I couldnt do it to her. But so far I have had no problems with agression with me. I may change my mind in years to come. I have a harness for her, and I bring her out to the field to fly. She is so cute, she pants like a little puppy!


Lucky! What a cute name, I wonder who is lucky, you or your grey? It sounds like you may have her spoiled already!! But as I tell my husband, better spoiled than ignored! (He says EVERYTHING is about the birds!)

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