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1 week old baby

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Hi all , i have a 1week old baby african grey. im new to hand rearing and need some advice. i have been feeding the baby pronutro with a syringe and he is loving it but need to know if there is something else that i should give him

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That is very scarey. This situation is not one that is recommended do to all the risks involved, however, I do hope you will get the help you need to keep this baby well. There is a ton of info on this forum. Keep looking and doing your research as you wait for a response.

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I hope you get great advice and are able to hand raise that baby ... you are taking on a huge responsibilty good luck to you.


Taking on a 1 wk old Grey isn't a responsibility, it's a ticket to disaster. [ aerial this isn't against you. This is for those who try something like this] Have you ever had a bird die in your hands as you tried to feed them? Do you known how small a 1 week old baby is?


Edited by Jayd
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I have to wonder (and I sure hope) that this is a typo. I have a 13 week old Grey that is being hand fed twice a day still and will come home on one feeding in a few weeks, but I have a great deal of experience hand feeding baby birds, otherwise I would not take even one feeding on. I just dont see how the poster would actually have a 1 week old baby.

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I have to wonder (and I sure hope) that this is a typo. I have a 13 week old Grey that is being hand fed twice a day still and will come home on one feeding in a few weeks, but I have a great deal of experience hand feeding baby birds, otherwise I would not take even one feeding on. I just dont see how the poster would actually have a 1 week old baby.


I hope your right...........

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I hope your right...........


Me too. Years ago I hand fed my 1st Grey and then a Greenwing we had (who was insanely jealous, HATED my kids and tried to kill my children and was rehomed to a child free environment). I used to help feed the baby parrots at the pet store on holidays too. Its hard enough and stressful enough making sure everything is perfect with an 8, 10 or 12 week old bird. I cant imagine having to care for a 1 week old. Dont they usually stay in the nest until they are a few weeks old? Has the poster posted anywhere else?

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Why didn't you adopt a parrot? Then what you see, is what you get.

Hand rearing is bad and parrots can get mental issues when there grown up. Like feather plucking and screaming.

I'm with a parrot foundation, who is against hand rearing.Hand rearing will probably be forbidden in the Netherlands.

Leave the parrot by his parrents, that's alot better.

But if you can't, good luck!

Do you have a picture of your baby?

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Hi all , i have a 1week old baby african grey. im new to hand rearing and need some advice. i have been feeding the baby pronutro with a syringe and he is loving it but need to know if there is something else that i should give him


I had to Google Pronutro and found it is a breakfast cereal from South Africa. Because of your food choice and since you didn't mention your location I'm going to work under the assumption that is where you are located. I have no idea if your 1 week old was a typo or not but you really need to work with a veterinarian with avian experience to make sure your baby has everything it needs so that he/she can live a long and happy life. There are a number of avian vets in South Africa. If you cannot get to this location http://www.birdandexotic.co.za/ please contact them for a referral to someone near you. Time is critical here because that young of a baby has many needs that are extremely difficult for any 1 person to meet.

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