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Hemingway in the wild


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Joe, he looks very content and happy there, but I don't see any kind of tether, aren't you worried about him being startled and flying away, I would be, but then that is my opinion and so I will close my mouth now, for I have said my piece.


Thanks for sharing a wonderful picture of Hemingway.

BTW, where is Serpico? Did you take him also?:P

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Hi! to my good friends.

This photo is not the best, but here is Serpico in the tree.

I know some do not agree with me about the birds being outside, but I have faith in myself to handle these two guys. This weekend both birds were out with me to the flea market, a store called Woodcraft, CVS Drugs, sat outside a drive through place where they had fries and a diet Coke, my sons house, and the park where I shot the photos.

Come on, these guys are a Large part of a retired man’s life, and if something goes wrong I'll be the sorry one. I feel it's worth the risk to make them feel More Like birds then just pets. I LOVE these guys, and I want their lives to be full with me because they will surly outlive me. These guys go in special sleeping cages in a room to sleep from 10pm to 8am and never get put into their large cages in my living room unless I have to go out for a while. When I’m working in my shop I can see them through double glass doors and they can see me.


Hope I have explained this right.


Hemingway and Serpico’s Dad, Joe

_cid_174.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/10/01 16:55


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Well Joe, I do not disagree with you. They are your birds and you know them better than anyone else. I myself take my grey outside in the yard without a harness and let him do his thing...although he is not a fan of sitting in the small tree by the door and always ends up jumping right back onto me or to the front door. On Sunday I took him out on his first real outing and he went into 7-11, Pet Kingdom, and Petsmart. He was a big hit and was the perfect gentleman...no screeching at people or anything. I did have him on a harness for that because and I got an adorable picture of him wearing it and loving the car ride home. He was watching out the windshield and flapping his winds while laughing...I think he was pretending he was flying 60 mph.

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That is so wonderful to here. It feels great when people admire your baby. The more places you take him the more he will love the action. I can't explain how happy I am for you and him.

Keep him with you, and you will have a bird that becomes more out going and more dependent on you for strength and protection.


Karma for you.



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LOL Bmustee, I can picture the car ride.


Nice photos Joe - I took Dayo out on our Patio on my shoulder, which he had no intention of leaving while out there.


But. Kim read me the riot act, so no more trips for Dayo outside without the Harness on :ohmy:


I can't blame her though, after us worrying and chasing Jake in trees for two days......

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I was hesitant about taking him out because of his behavior at home sometimes, but I am sooooo glad I finally did it and brought him to town with me. Everyone that saw him commented on how pretty he was (thanks to a good aloe bath) and that they could not believe that he was wearing a harness. I think that is what most people were interested in. :laugh: The picture I got was him sitting really high to see out the windshield all puffed up. I think one of his favorite things about the car is sitting in front of the A/C vent...he gets a kick out in the cool wind blowing on him.

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Guest briansmum

it's just not a bird friendly place where i live, if i took brian for a walk with me, to the park or the shops (with his harness on) i'd likely get jumped by "chavs" (violent, misguided, ignorant, horrible youths in hooded tops) i could grantee if i took him into the city where i live i wouldn't come back with him for one reason or another. so the most outing he gets is a ride in the car to my mums :) for his own safety

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Joe they look like they're having a blast! How fun is that?! I've taken my babies outside, well I've taken my smaller birds outside. One of my Greys comes out and wanders around in the grass, but my other one is a tad too jumpy for me to take her outside yet. I don't think its a bad thing to take them outside if you truly trust your birds, that and mine are clipped, and my only strong flier with clipped wings is Mango. It all comes down to how well you know your birds. I knew a guy that had a fully flighted Zon that would fly with him right above his head wherever he went, it was pretty cool.


This was the pic I took of Mango last spring


mangoflower.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/10/04 18:41

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Guest briansmum

LOL BMustee im not in the USA ghetto's i'm in a city in yorkshire, UK. and it's the latest trend to be a misbehaving young kid. they yell horrible stuff at my other half all the time cos he's a bloke with long hair so i dread to think what would happen if i was walking about with a bird. it's only a small minority of stuid kids that would pose a threat. but it's not worth the risk. he seems happy enough in the garden :)


gorgeous picture lovie, mango looks so pretty among the blossom. i agree it is how well you know your birds as well as the area you live in. i think it's a wonderful idea. and if i lived in the countryside it is something i'd think about with brian.

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