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Help PLZ! Something seems wrong


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Hi guys. My grey has plucked off all her feathers from her chest long ago and they are growing back slowly. A while ago i noticed that the top part of her chest has like a red round part to it(almost like a bubble) And im nt sure if i'm imagining it but it looks like its become even bigger. I'm not sure if that's how grey's look under their feathers or is something seriously wrong. Please help!! I'm really worried! Even when my dad touches that part of her chest or she thinks he's going to pet her there she backs away immediately!






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When most greys pluck, the area your bird is starting with is the most common place they pick first. it's also the easiest place to start from. The skin shows up as pinkish which is absolutely normal. When a bird starts to grow those feathers back, the skin is very iritated from the previous plucking. That irritation causes the bird to pull out the new growth. How many times that happens is anyone's guess. That whole area should be kept moist because that lessens the itchiness/dryness of the skin. Eventually, new feathers pass that stage of irritation and grow back in but it may take time.

Personally, I don't think a vet visit is necessary yet. He's only picking out the closest feathers. If he continues the next area will be the lower breast area. Again, it's normal and must be treated in the same way. A common product to use when spraying is full strength aloe vera juice that can be purchased in Walmart, other large drug area outlets and pharmacies.

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nasupops.. your bird is chewing feathers as usual! They don't want to dissappoint you. They can't help it, so don't be disappointed. Nancy

Have some respect for Dave!!!! You don't always have to have the final say so!!! Bad advice......

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thanks guys. I have purchased the aloe vera juice. I Live in South Africa and its Winter here. How do you recommend me spraying him with the aloe vera without him getting sick?

Greys like cold water, keep out of drafts and rapid temperature changes, no problem.....

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