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What a smart Bird

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Roxie did something this morning that I have to share with you all. I was making her breakfast and she knew it because she heard the microwave and repeated the beep beep beep. My mom who Roxie just does not like at all went to get her dishes from her cage and as she walked toward her cage she pulled her bowl out and set them at the edge of her cage lol. My mom said thankyou to her and as she turned her back Roxie took her other bowl out and threw it on the floor lol

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Luna gets so excited when she sees me come in the room with her bowl that she flies off the top of her cage but doesn't know where to go so usually crash lands into a wall or the bathroom. She's almost 6 months old and is clipped from store owner but those wings are coming in! She just learned how to mimic kissing noises and does it ALL day <3

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She's going to giving you those kissing noises for years! You never get tired of them. If I don't get one the moment I walk into bird room, I always ask " give me a kiss!" I get one.I of course whisper it, as she is just waking up. I get a quick lazy kiss. She wakes up more while I am in the shower and gives me lots of snuggles and kisses after. nancy

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