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What do your Greys and other parrots call you and family members.


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athena will say daddy bird or daddy boo on occasion, but has never said mommy or mama anything, hahaha!! kallie doesn't call either of us anything as of yet! i keep trying to teach them and they keep digging in their heels so to speak or not, hahahaha!!!

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I think my name is the come here whistle. Of course thats the same thing he calls to get the dogs in but i like to pretend its only for me! Heehee. When Oliver wants me i get a dance, then the head motion to come here, then when i get there, he throws up and says hello. Sad but true, every time.

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Dayo calls:


Me - Daddy or Dan McQuilliams (he uses this if he REALLY wants me to come to where he is)

Wife - Mommy or Kim McQuilliams (he uses this if he REALLY wants her to come to where he is

Dogs - He calls then by name Bentley or Chloe Respectively

Friends dogs that visit - By their names, Roxie and Fluffy When he hears the dogs next door he just says "Hear the Doggies?"

My Son's - Jeff and Lee by name

My Grand Daughters by Name - Crystal, Kali and Dakota

My Grand Sons by name - Skylar, Richard and Austin

My Conure by name - Jake


Himself - Dayo and sometimes even Dayo McQuilliams. I believe this is because he knows he is part of the "McQuilliams" flock and recognizes that is the Flock name with our respective individual first names within it.

Edited by danmcq
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I am Bird, or mamma

My 2 sons are by name, Josh, Matthew

No name for my daughter.......

Dogs are called by name, Rocky, Cody

Cats are by name,Zelda, the other they can't say, only twice did I hear it, Dominic

Birds are by name, Talon, Rikki, Nilah


That's it! Mostly I am know as BIIRRRDDDD!!!!!

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Chickie has decided that I should be called "poop." :). She says it 2-3 times when I wake her up in the morning. At first, I thought she was saying it meaning that she wanted out of her cage to go poop. Then, just recently, when i told my boyfriend about her saying "poop" to me every morning he laughed and said that she doesn't say that to him when it's him and her in the morning. She also says it when I've been gone all day and come home I get a nice long "poooooooop". I hope "poop" equals love...lol. :)

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I wouldn't care if I was called poop! I know you don't either! I gotta say though, I am happy to be called " rom!" LOL Poop works too! LOL Sophie watching Sherlock Holmes with the boys. She is very happy. Ryan is explaining the movie to her. ( like she cares!) She say's " ahhhh". Ryan thinks that means she understands. I know she is just humoring him and doesn't give a hoot, but she is happy that he wants to explain everything.LOL Nancy

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Good question Steve. I hadn't thought much about it. Gilbert doesn't call any of us by name. We currently have three dogs and he only uses the name of one, but even then it seems to be generic to all of them. Our theory is that he calls "Mick" because he hears that name the most often because Mick is the one getting into the most mischief. The other dogs go outside and Mick stands at the door but won't go out until you call his name. Same with coming inside, Mick stands at the steps and looks the other way until I lose my patience and scold him to come IN. So, when any dog barks, Gilbert says "Quiet Mick". When one dog goes to the door, he says "Wanna go outside Mick?" That seems to be the only household name he uses though. He still calls for Jim and sometimes he asks one of the dogs "Whattareya doin' down there Lou?" LOL. We don't have a Lou. Also, a year ago, he met someone once while we were traveling and liked the sound of his name, Walter. So he asks often about Walter, where he is, how he is doing or says Walter is a good boy. For the rest of us, if he wants attention, he will softly say "Hey" and we jump up to give him anything his little heart desires. Who is training whom around here?

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.................. "Hey" and we jump up to give him anything his little heart desires. Who is training whom around here?


Yes indeed! Misty has taught me almost all I know about him and how to give him what he wants. On the other hand I have taught him very little! Most of what he knows he has taught himself.


Steve n Misty

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These posts are great!

Biscotti calls me mommy or mommy bird

He calls Mandy the dog by her name Mandy or Boo, and if he's mad at her he calls her dork

He is still calling for our other dog Annie that passed away 6 months ago

He has not yet called my new puppy Tucker by name, I want to make sure he gets that pronounced right! :)

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