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I'm a new bird owner and I'm glad I found this forum. My bird's name is Timber and I am the third owner, or so I've been told. Timber is supposed to be 4-5 years old. We are making progress, but he's still biting pretty frequently and I'm still trying to figure out his body language to prevent it.


The biggest problem we have is his diet. In two weeks, I've gone through about $100 of food trying to find a pellet he will eat. He picks at all of them but doesn't seem to like any of them very well. He will eat a few vegetables I've found (cooked sweet potato, raw carrots, corn on the cob and asparagus), but not much of any of them. He loves any kind of nut, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, cheese, cheerios and pasta. According to the previous owner, he was eating Zupreem fruit blend pellets well, but that hasn't been my experience.



To compound the problem, the vet said he was a little underweight. So, I've probably been feeding him more nuts than I should just to keep him from losing more! One thing I am unsure of though is how much your normal Timneh African Grey eats. Maybe he's eating enough but I'm trying to judge him by human or cat standards?


Any help would be appreciated!

Edited by Timbersmom
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Hello Timbersmom and welcome to our family, so glad you found us.


Thats wonderful you could give Timber a new forever home and kudos for trying to get him to eat a healthy diet, it can be very daunting to get them started on a good pellet but keep trying and do continue to offer vegetables especially dark green leafy ones and experiment with different ways to see which is accepted more so than others.


The following link I have included is to a thread on reading body language so read thru it as it should help you in understanding Timber.



One thing you can do is get a scale that weighs in grams and keep a check on his weight.


Pictures are always welcomed here so if you have some you would share with us please do so.

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It's hard to tell how much a parrot actually eats, since there's so much waste. I feed my TAG about 2 1/2 tablespoons of Harrison's High Potency pellets. Twice a day I give him a couple of tablespoons of chopped fresh veggies, cooked grains, a few teaspoons of sprouts, a couple of nuts (e.g., almond, pine nuts). Occasionally, I'll offer a grape during the day or a couple of blueberries. He will devour the pellets completely but will pick through the bowl of fresh veggies, grains, and sprouts. I figure by offering a lot of options that I mostly have my nutritional bases covered. As Judy suggests, get a scale so that you can weigh Timber periodically to see if he's gaining or losing weight. My TAG is consistently around 315 grams (he was 295 grams when I first got him 3 months ago).

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Here is a picture of Timber. He's a pretty bird! :) Or so I tell him all the time...


Judy, thanks for the link! That was very interesting. I have a scale, but I'm not sure how to get him on it. He is just to the point of letting me touch him a bit and scratch the top of his head. He does NOT want to step up and lets me know it. I'm trying to let him get more comfortable with us before I push the step up behavior.


Monax - Thanks for the very specific information. I don't feel so bad now. Timber probably eats that much, but I expected him to eat much more. I thought that might be the problem (my expectations) so that makes me feel better.

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Hi Timbersmom and welcome to the grey forum.

It sounds like Timber has not been with you very long so he may need more time to settle in to his new home.

It may take a little time but he will come around.

Keep up with what you are trying to do with his diet.

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Welcome Timbersmom. :)


The others have given good advice.


It takes a while for them to become accustomed to their new home and people. At 5 years old he is mature, set in his ways and as you have found, will give a nip if you try to push him. Did the vet weigh him? The reason I ask is why he stated he is under weight. Timneh's are the smallest of the grey family. It sounds like he is eating well based n your comments. It is no surprise he does not care much for pellets. Some will eat them, some will eat a few and some will not eat any. The most important thing is a good rounded diet as you are already starting to provide him. They can maintain a perfectly healthy life with out pellets.


He is a fine looking Timneh!

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Dan, she didn't weigh him. I live in a rural area. When I got Timber, I wanted to have him checked out and establish a relationship with a vet in case it was needed. I just started calling the clinics within driving distance and asking if they had an avian vet. When I found one that said they did I made an appointment and took him. She seemed OK and pretty knowledgeable, but I expected her to weigh him. She said his breastbone was a little too prominent when she had him on his back, hence he was a bit underweight.

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