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I think Simon might finally be trying to talk!


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Simon will be 18 months old next week. I was beginning to think he would never talk. He likes to whistle, and he clucks and clicks, but he has never said a word in English, or even imitated a phone or a microwave.


This week he started making new noises. They're more word-like than any of his usual noises. It's like he's babbling in nonsense conversational tones. This morning he was doing that and I said "I love you" and he said something that sounded like I love you - not the same words, but the same intonation and inflection and the same number of syllables. We did it four or five times, back and forth.


Do you think he's learning how to talk? I admit I got a Grey because they're good talkers...but of course I fell in love with him for all kinds of other reasons once he was here, and it didn't really matter so much that he couldn't talk. Still - talking would be the icing on the cake! (And I have to say, he's got the sweetest voice.)

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Yes I do think he is finally trying to talk, some talk early and some late like Simon, guess he just wanted to take his time and keep you in suspense as to whether he would or not. They certainly do have minds of their own and yes like you I would still love mine if she didn't talk but it is the icing on the cake because she does talk. He has the sweetest voice because he is imitating you.

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I don't think Simon is talking late. I believe most greys take off with talking around two. They babble with baby talk before. Yes, I adopted Sophie at age two, she could say a few words, but around 2.5, she went crazy, started talking up a storm. I believe it had nothing to do with change of ownership. She came from an excellent home. She had been learning all along. Nancy

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Oh that's interesting. I thought most of them started talking much earlier than that. At my parrot club, people said he wasn't talking because we whistled to him. But I like the idea that he's been learning all along....just like a pre-verbal child.

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It sounds like Simon's almost there! If you leave the room & there's just a little noise, like the TV or radio on low, you might catch him practicing. :cool: Probably won't hear anything other than almost-words, but it might help keep you happy for however long until he pops out with his first real human speech.


Phenix was a very grown adult before he ever learned to talk. After I started reading on GF, I was surprised that he'd only imitated water sounds before he called the dog for the first time (loved that dog! lol).

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Judy is right on.. your baby is talking a little late, don't worry.. Yes it's true, whistling distracts from talking, it's easier and more natural for them... Talk all you can, normally. When they practice speaking it sounds like almost words you can't understand, their sounding the words out..It will happen... Jayd

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Thanks! I'm really very excited. Tomorrow he'll be one and a half, and I love watching him move through different developmental phases, just like a child. In the last few weeks I've noticed some really big changes in him - more vocalizations, plus some differences in how he plays with his toys, and how he relates to the other birds. For example, he's got these large lego-type blocks. In the past he would always hold one in his foot and chew it. Now he always plays with two at a time. He holds one in his foot and rests the other one (the one in his beak) on it. I know that doesn't sound like such a big deal, but to me it's huge - he's using a tool! He's also playing more aggressively with some of his toys, especially the hanging ones. I'm not sure what it means, but I think it's probably healthy for him to know how to vent his frustration. He's becoming a toddler.

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I love that your sweet Simon is starting to practice his speech. Nothing could be more wonderful than to hear him say "I love you" after you have said it to him so many times before. It is very endearing when we hear our parrots practicing the endearing phrases they have heard. My favorite from Gilbert is to say "Night night. Sweet Dreams". He has been saying it since the first day he came to our home and it gives me a warm feeling to know someone loved him before I could.

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Happy to hear that Simon has now found his voice. My Sterling Gris has been a late talker, he is still trying out words. He is now 16 months old. He loves sounds more than words. He has been wolf whistling at the cute lady next door when she mows the lawn and getting in trouble with the husband. Naughty Sterling especially when he goes "woo woo" after the whistle!!! LOL!

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He's now having big long mumbly nonsense conversations with himself, with two different voices taking turns talking! One of his voices sounds like a man who has had a tracheostomy and speaks through a mechanical device in his throat. The other one sounds like a little girl!

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He's now having big long mumbly nonsense conversations with himself, with two different voices taking turns talking! One of his voices sounds like a man who has had a tracheostomy and speaks through a mechanical device in his throat. The other one sounds like a little girl!

LOL Simon won't start talking till he's happy with the voice and sounds. He will probably talk when he can't see you at first....Jayd

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