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Obedient Rebellion


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Today Gracie gave me the biggest laugh, and I just wanted to share. Gracie's "bird room" is the dining room in my condo just feet away from my living room. Hanging in the middle of the dining room is an ornamental light fixture that Gracie has recently wanted to perch on. I don't want her to perch there because it hangs from three metal bars that she likes to chew and I'm not sure what kind of metal it is. Since I worry about toxins I won't allow Gracie up there. Anyway, I can always tell when she wants to fly up to the light fixture. She stares at it and lifts her wings and kind of wiggles her little red butt feathers. Whenever I see her do that, I say "No...no Gracie. No". Well she obviously understands "no" and doesn't like it. Well tonight she looked up at the light fixture and did her wings up and tail wiggle routine and I said..."NO...no no no". She looked at me...and then she kind of threw a little temper tantrum. She squawked and muttered and stomped around the top of her cage, but she didn't fly to the light fixture. She just sort of vented her displeasure. She obeyed me, although reluctanly. I left the room for a second, and when I returned, Gracie was perched on the light fixture. I offered my hand and said, "No...step up"--and she did! She stepped up and I returned her to her cage top. Once back on her cage top--she squawked again and stomped around showing her displeasure--but she didn't try to fly back to the light fixture. I just had to laugh. She readily obeyed me--but also got the last word in. I just love her so much.

Edited by JeffNOK
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