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Hey all, My name John and my babies name is Alfie well it is for the moment till I get him sexed eventually. Have had him for 8 weeks now after rescuing him from a pet shop in Saudi Arabia. I am working here at the moment, believe me it was a rescue, not looked after well in stores out here. Had nothing but sunflower seeds for the duration he was there. He was very undernourished and his feathers in a tatty state, bless his little soul. Not really sure of his exact age but his eyes still very light grey, pet store said he was about 8 months. He is ringed and is supposed to have been imported from Holland, from a reputable breeder but not sure how true that is. I believe he is moulting at the moment, how long does this take any ideas, lots of new quills coming through ? He only weighs about 400 grams, should I be worried, he eats well and seems very happy and is a right chatter box, great character. Greetings to all


Kind Regards



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Hello John and welcome to the family, glad you could join us and a good warm hello to Alfie. I am so glad to hear you have rescued this grey, it sounds like he has had it a little rough over there, but in the right hands he should blossom out into a wonderful companion.


I am always proud of those who rescue greys for they get additional baggage that the ones of us who get babies don't. And by that I mean it's diet is not what it should be and the handling and care are not up to standards. But with your love and proper nutrition and care, he should be healthier and his feathers will be in better shape.


If you are working in a pet store, then you should have an idea of what is proper diet for a grey, but if in doubt, we have a bird food room with lots of threads dealing with what they should be eating and not eating. Browse thru and read for lots of good information and on the whole site for that matter.


Weight can vary and 400 grams is certainly well within the boundaries, but the feel of the keel bone is the best indicator of under or over nourishment. You should feel it but it should not be prominent. If he hasn't seen an avian vet yet then that is in order to determine his health and you can get it sexed as well.


If you have a photo of Alfie you would like to post, we would love to see him, even if he is not at his best, for it will give us a peek into what you have now and later you can post another of when he is better and healthier.


Keep us informed of Alfie's progress, we care about your new friend and hope he turns into your lifelong companion.

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Hi John

There's lots of people here from many different parts of the world. Ask questions, give opinions, tell us what's it's like concerning people and birds in your country. We all enjoy hearing about those things.


Molting can begin at different times of the year. It depends on the humidity and dryness or humidity in air. Most parrots molt 2 x a year; others once a year. A complete molt can take as much as 3 months to finish. All that molting doesn't include the flight feathers or tail feathers. They fall off all year long, one or two at a time, so don't worry if you don't see those feathers fall off.


If you have a digital photo, put it on the board. If you don't know how to do this, loads of people here will tell you how to.

Enjoy your stay here-----Dave

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Hi again, thanks for all your nice comments, you seem a lovely bunch. Judy I dont actually work in a pet store, I am an aircraft engineer but hey would work there if it meant getting the birds some decent food for a change. Would break your heart to see the conditions they are kept in, any bird purchase has got to be classed as a rescue. Saw three full grown macaws in a cage I would not have deemed big enough for Alfie. Will keep you informed of his progress cause believe me things can only get better for my fella, he got lots of love, loves cuddles.

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This is so sad to hear, and I am sure it is as bad as you say it is, those birds being kept in such deplorable conditions, you probably wanted to take them all but that is not possible.


But one grey is lucky to have found you and he knows he is loved and cared for so keep up the good work and we look forward to hearing and seeing more of Alfie.:)

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Hello John, welcome here, and Alfie too :)


I always wondered for people working "overseas" and taking in pets that live many years: are you, come time and you decide so, able to take him back with you to your country of origin? Are there restrictions or none?

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