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Lori the Rainbow Lorikeet


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The Cleveland Zoo has a great interactive aviary with lorikeets.

You can go into the aviary with the Lories. If you buy a cup of nector the lories will land on you and drink the nector from your cup.

They do not want you to try and hold them because they are wild birds, I have had as many as 10 Lories on me at one time drinking from the cups I was holding.

It was great.

I think there is around 100 or so Lories in this aviary.

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Ray,there is an aviary like that at a zoo in California too. My dad & I went a couple years ago, would love to go back. They are absolutely beautiful! But very messy. Looks like the Lori in this video is wanting some of that OJ! I sure wouldn't rough house with my grey like that, I'd need a lot of band aids.

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