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Hi everyone

My wife works for the RSPCA in England and we have ^aquired^ an african Grey Parrot lol

It seems to love me and stays with me.

Im a 43 yr old male.

The Parrot will mimic me and loves to be stroked by me.

Does this mean its female?

its a lovely bird and likes to share my dinner LOL.

It likes grapes and eveything that i eat LOL

its a lovely bird but seems obsessed by me.Im ok with that because i think he (she)is lovely too.Just worried that i may be wrong by giving my undived attention.

advice would be most welcome..

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Hello Spikester, congrats on your new grey. The only way to determine sex is by doing a DNA test on a sample of blood.


As far as the other thing, be glad he/she wants your attention, just don't spend more time with it now that you cannot keep up in the future, they get used to it and it could cause behavior problems if you can't keep it up.


It seems you have struck it lucky to have a grey that accepts you right off the bat so to speak, most of us have to work some to get that level of affection.


Why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about your grey, name, how old it is and how long you have had it so far. Then we will go from there.

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Hi spikester & Welcome.


You can not determine the sex of your grey because it seems to prefer you, here are a few links regarding the male/female bond.






As judy says please come & say hello in the welcome room :)

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Welcome spikester !!


One thing you should do, is have your wife spend time holding, scratching, feeding and giving snacks to your new Grey also. This will establish a bond, maybe less than it has with you, but still a tolerance of her.


It is also good to socialize them with many people as well, if the Grey is "Ok" with it.


Great to have you here,, maybe we can see a photo of you new Grey once you get a chance. :-)

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Dan is right, your wife needs to participate in the care and handling of your grey for the times you may not be able to be around to do it yourself. The more people you expose him to and socialize him with the better, he will be more tolerant of strangers.


Looking forward to seeing some photos soon.

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agree with judygram - i have a TAG that loves me and hates Joe,my partner. If you can avoid that you would be very lucky. Would make for a very harmonious household.

You also might want to avoid stroking his back - if he is sexually mature, it may make him horny, and prone to unfortunate behaviours during the breeding season. :blush:


Greys are great birds, and fun to have around. You are in for a great ride!:ohmy: :laugh:

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You know Barbara, I have heard that you should not stroke the back of a sexually mature grey, that is something I will have to wean myself off of in the near future. Josey is 16 months old and has a ways to go yet but I do stroke her back sometimes when I am handling her. Better stick with the neck scratches.:dry:

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