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Bogey don't like my husband


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Bogey is now 5 months old, he hasn't been very friendly towards my husband lately, he bites at him all the time, he will allow him to rub his neck but thats about it, any suggestions what we can do to change this?


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If you are the main caregiver let your husband do some of those things now and let him be the one who gives treats so he will associate good things with your husband. Let him interact with him when you are not at home, the less favored person usually gets better results if the favored one is not present when interactions occur with less favored one. He can sit by his cage and talk to him, hold conversations with him and such to show him he is not going to hurt him, he may never come to like him like he likes you but that is the way it is sometimes.

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How does Bogy come to bite your husband? Does he go to your husband and bite or is it when your husband tries to interact with Bogy? The fact that bogy lets your husband rub is neck shows that Bogy does not dislike him.

Bogy is more bonded to you but all Greys have times when they just wish to be left alone and that must be respected. Are the bites just warning nips or are they hard bites in anger? Warning nips are quite normal and with a little experience it is possible to read their body language to avoid those problems.


Steve n Misty

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Nancy is quite right. If you have a bird that you know is prone to biting you should never never let it near anyones face! It's asking for trouble. Bogy is young and still trying to understand humans so he will misunderstand intentions. It can take a while for them to tolerate the ways of humans and if they are not handled with respect and understanding they never will. After seven years with Misty I know when I can let him near my face but although he is happy to tolerate my friends and relations that he knows, I would never let them put him close to their faces. I am sure that if your husband is gentle, patient and forgiving with Bogy he will eventually bite less often. It is rare to find a Grey that never bites.


Steve n Misty

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It is important, to remove bird from his cage, thru step-up. Once bird accepts " STEP-UP" go to different room. Wrist only, talk to each other. After owning Sophie for six months, allowing only wrist status, she was hanging with me on the computer, started biting the air, saying " NO BITE!" ( on my wrist). I knew she finally understood! I yelled to the kids... Sophie and I did a celebration dance. Everyone thought I was crazy! ( including Sophie!) Never got bit again. Sophie finally understood. A decade ago.

We all have different beliefs in how to raise our birds. We need to respect how everyone raises our birds. Nancy

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