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wings trimmed to short on one side, will they ever grow?

Tess Denise

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HI, i adopted a grey 3 months ago , and the lady that I got her from said that her wings were trimmed to short on one side , the other side was long and it looked real strange for her to have one side long and one side way short. so I tried to even them out but could never even see where the person who cut the one side so short and where they were. I just trimmed alittle so she would not be so clumbsy. Now the one side that was not trimmed too short is growing fine, but the side that is so short , I can't even tell if they are growing at all, will they ever grow out again after somebody multilated my poor baby, I feel sorry for her. This also makes her very clumbsy. Messes up her balance. Please help , does anybody have any advice about this,

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The feathers will grow back but it may take a long time before they are evean and your grey can fly.

Make sure you pad the bottom of her cage so if she falls she will not hurt her self.

For now all you can do is wait.

Read wing clipping 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the health room. Its a sticky post

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Hi Tess Denise.

They should all grow back OK but it could take quite a while. It may be an idea to have your vet check her over to make sure her feather follicles are OK. I think it took Misty more than six months to regain enough to get his balance. Make sure that she has soft surfaces to land on because if she lands clumsily she could damage her keel bone at the front of her breast. It took a while for Misty to regain his flying confidence and skills. I helped him relearn by launching him toward a soft landing area and then to the top of his cage. I would say "fly fly" as I launched him in the hope that he would learn "fly" as a command. That did not work out as intended. He learned to fly really well but he never learned the command. Instead when he goes for a circuit of the room he calls out "Fly fly' or sometimes "Fly Mistypie" .:D

When when I adopted him he was about two years old. He is about nine now but he still loves to call out when he flies. Do you know how old your Grey girl is? If she has not been able to fly for a while it will take a little time to develop her flying muscles and her skills. With encouragement she should be OK but I am sad to say that some clipped birds never learn to fly properly. It depends to a degree on whether she was allowed to fledge as a youngster or not.

I wish you both luck. Please come back and let us know how you get on.


Steve n Misty

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Tess Denise... everyone has excellent advice. Important to trim other wing a small amount once unfeathered wing starts to grow in. Important for balance. Once feathers are more balanced, it is very important to practice flying. I always had one of my kids on other end, to assist with landing in our large family room. Nancy

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At this point in time I would not do any more trimming or try to balance the wings. Enought damage has already been done.

If you have new ferhers growing in on the trimed wing and you cut the good fethers it will just take a lot longer before she ready to fly.

Just let them grow out on there own.

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Tess Denise... everyone has excellent advice. Important to trim other wing a small amount once unfeathered wing starts to grow in. Important for balance. Once feathers are more balanced, it is very important to practice flying. I always had one of my kids on other end, to assist with landing in our large family room. Nancy


Ray gave the proper response ! I decided to check one more time before I left .

Don't trim the wings !!! Let nature take care of them..... By trimming you are only prolonging the length of time it takes to regrow a proper set of full feathers.. This is something myself and other members have dealt with....

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