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First for Pancho


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Today a wonderful thing happened. Pancho, who is normally a couch potato on his cage, I assumed only gets exercise when Jimpster, the quaker, upsets him so much he flies to get away from him. Many times I have returned downstairs to find Pancho in various locations in the living room. I always thought he got there by duress, but today Pancho did something that got me thinking he went on his own volition.


Both Brutus, the grey, and Jimpster were up in my husband's office when I went outside for a moment. As I was coming back into the house from the deck i see Pancho's little face in the kitchen window looking at me. He flew by himself because he missed me! Or at least that is how I take it. I mean neither bird was with him at the time, so what else can it be? Pretty wild huh?

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He is a curious little fellow. I am wondering if he was looking to see where you went... or looking to verify your location before he went to seek some mischief. LOL. If that were my two, I would be thinking they were the lookouts so the others could get a warning before you came back in. It is lovely to know Pancho is branching out a little and feeling comfortable in his home.

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