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am i giving up...?


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most of you know what happen to momo these weeks.he getting more worse,he scream since he wake up until bed time.i know screaming is a common problem for parrot owner but i really really feel bad,he dsnt even stop for an hour-even a minute.he stop like 15 min only when he is eating.

i try to contact his ex owner and ask if this is normal behavior of him.he just said he got momo when he is 9 months(he is wild catch) and he rescue him after 3 months because he cant tame him.he also said momo never scream before but he just too wild-and he give him up.

start from 4 days ago,he also start to bite me very hard--i mean really hard until my hand bleeding and i need to put ice on it for 10 min to stop the blood.i guess maybe its only a test,i ignore the bite.and the day after it,he bit me again.until today he bite me again.he never been like this before,he step up quite well but now its quite impossible and i need to towel him for bed time.


is this really okay?i show him im in charge and he will not get what he wants by biting me.many people said it could be bluffing stage because now he just around 15 months.honestly i dont want to give up,but now im really upset about what happen to my baby and how to fix him.my husband always nag to me now about the screaming and this driving me crazy cuz i cant solve all the problem at once and now,add the biting problem.

any comment/idea/advice are welcome please. :(

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A wild caught grey has never been socialized and will be VERY difficult to get socialized and tamed to some extent. I hate to say this, but you may need find a new home for this grey that has a ton of experience in rescuing and dealing with very problematic wild caught greys such as this.


It is going to take a lot of time, patience and this grey will never be like a hand raised bird. But, ultimately, this call is up to you. If your husband is getting upset, it is also adding fuel to the fire.

Edited by danmcq
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No you are not giving up. You are trying to decide what is best for your family structure and for Momo. Sometimes a parrot needs to be rehomed for the good of the parrot. Example: I rescued an older eclectus and for two years I tried to get him to fit into my flock. My Ana Grey, tag, is hell on wheels and very self-confident and feisty. She would dive bomb poor Sully whenever she saw him if he was just sitting on a perch, walking on the floor or on someone's shoulder she would go after him relentlessly. Sully would hide under my bed skirts to be safe from her. I rehomed him next door to a family who love him to death. He is now talking and having a wonderful time going to pet fairs and street fairs or into the local shops on his new owner's shoulder. He is loved and very happy and I am delighted for him. He did not fit into my flock, he was miserable and scarced of my grey and I could not help him until I let him go to someone who made him their world. That was the best thing I could do for him and it lightens my load in the guilt category because I could not help him in my home. We all try to do what is right for our greys, that is all we can do.

Edited by luvparrots
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I agree with Dan. This isn't a good way to start a relatioship with a parrot if you're new to parrot keeping. Usually, when a person brings in a parrot that has problems, those problems eventually ease up as time goes on--less biting--less screaming--less nervousness, more social etc. In your case things are going in the opposite direction. Many times, a person who goes through this will never trust another parrot again because they start thinking that a parrot has that tendency to be as yours is and that's not the way it is but they may never buy another parrot again. To me, your bird isn't a family pet. You and your husband fear the bird and the bird knows it. Getting bitten to the point of bleeding isn't good especially if it happens a few times. constant screeching/squawking/growling isn't good. There's many birds that are the same way your bird is and they're either adopted by people who understand them and can handle them or there's places that will take that type of bird and give it a home knowing that the bird will never be a family pet. Here in the US, Judy and I know of such a place that deals with greys. There's other similar places that deal with a mixture of parrots. Judy has visited this place and I can tell you that there's about 100 to150 greys there who will never be pets. They're there for many different reasons. If people visit they're not allowed to pet or feed these birds. Many are aggressive and biters. Many are permanently damaged. No wings, no claws, general deformaties. Many are extremely shy which makes them biters. Many are so aggressive that they go out of their way to bite people when people get near enough. Others are breeders whov'e never had contact with people. All of these birds live together in huge avaires and once there, the birds are happy as long as they're with their own kind. I can understand your husband's frustration. He's got a right to be upset. The bird is telling you that he wants out of the human family life. This isn't mean't to be insulting but in your country, there's a chance that high quality greys aren't available. I'm not saying it's a fact but I can tell you that other people on this board have mentioned that it's true. These people are from your country and also close surrounding areas. I have no idea whether this is true or not.


Also remember that my whole reply is based on how serious and accurate your posts have been. To many people it sounds serious. Others will say that you *should try to put up with it, he'll calm down* etc etc. But they're not living with the bird. Their birds aren't screeching 24/7. They're not seriously getting bit and getting broken blood vessels.

As Dan says--it's up to you and I can only add that you should think about it.



And PS--I agree with luvparrots. I think back and I remember that bird she's talking about. Luvy tried but in the end it didn't work out and it wasn't luvy's fault

Edited by Dave007
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oh thanks everybody..

first of all,nobody told me he was wild caught.and my mistake was i never run into his past and never find it out until yesterday.bad news is,there is no this kind of bird aviary that take care of wild birds here.the baddest thing will happen is momo will go to other family which im not sure they can take care of him or be patient with him.and they will rehome him again-again-again.this make me scare and doubt what i have to do.me and my husband love him so much,we tried as much as we can until now and we keep trying our best to keep him.i dont know how this gonna be but we will keep trying til the end of our power :(

he wasnt this bad before,he allow me to pet him and he step up for me.but suddenly things change,he scream and bite us.im not an expert and i only have experiment on cockatoo before which is hand feed.the bird is biters but wasnt this much bad.everytime i think to let him go,i remember of how he become tame and tame everyday,we shower together,he ask me for scratch every nite and this killing me to give him up.

is it possible to wear a coat(avoid brutal damage) and try to re-train him again?i dont know if i could but i will try.if he was better before it means me and him have small another second change right?what i know he isnt hormonal stage since he is too young.

maybe i could be crazy to keep trying but now im not ready to give up.please keep the comment coming. :(

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Momo, The advise these people have given you is not only correct, it is true. Everyone knows how much against re-homing we are. But, in this case, not just for you but for your Grey, you should really consider it. We have spoken in PMs and on the forum and I know, understand and realize how many problems you have going on in your life right now. I advise, find a new home for your baby.If and when you find someone, make a complete break. Don't call, don't visit...let your baby start fresh, the same as you must. When the right time comes and conditions are right, I am sure there will be a loving parrot waiting for you. Please heed what everyone has posted. Jay

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thanks jay,i keep trying on him for now until i can find another family that im sure they can handle him.

thanks for giving a really good advice and i know myself its logical.

i need to research around my area if i can find someone.thanks again!

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Momo, sounds like under the circumstances in which you live, you at doing the best you can. I don't think at this point with the commitment you have towards your bird, that you will find a better home for him. It takes so long to tame a wild caught, and now that you know he is, maybe others here can help you in what you need to do to transition him.

I have a lot of respect for you and your patience. Let the others that are experienced here help you. Keep up the good work, you have come to the right place for help.

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You have been given some excellent advice and I have to agree that in Momo's best interests you should try to find him another home as it is hard enough for a novice grey owner to handle a handfed grey but one that is wild caught is a challenge for even those who have experience, it is not a sign that you failed him but he is too much for you to handle.

I wish there was such a place where you live like the one I visited in my state, it is a huge enclosure with part of it screened that is open in the spring, summer and fall for them to have plenty of room to fly, exercise and climb trees with one another. It has everything to make it like being out in the forest in their natural habitat and they have plenty of room to interact with one another without being cramped. Like Dave said it is full of greys who are not adaptable, former breeder birds and such so they can live out their natural lives in peace.

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thank u so much,before i was thinking everybody will yell at me cuz im thinking to rehome him. :)

im still looking around my area and ddnt find anybody wants wild parrot yet.

dont get me wrong,im still trying my best to keep him.maybe i still have a small change to success.wish me luck,and i will keep updating!!

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Have you ever done a google search to see if any kind of rescue organization exists anywhere near where you live? You can also contact vets and any bird clubs for they would know of any but this is just in case you decide not to keep Momo but whatever you decide to do we support you.

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No one faults you. When I knew Sully did not fit into my bird flock, I never stopped trying to get my grey to be good and leave Sully alone. It took 2 years to find the right person for Sully and give Sully to him and his family with the understanding that if they could not handle Sully or decided they did not want him, I was to get Sully back. Now the young man, two years later, is getting ready to leave home on his own and of course take his parrot. Mama loves this parrot and wants to keep Sully with her so we will see what happens.


All you can do is try to fit Momo into your home and if you happen to find a person better suited to care for him, then you can feel good about letting Momo go. No one faults you, we all want Momo to be happy too.

Edited by luvparrots
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no there is no rescue for avian here.for dogs and cats yes,i found it.i ask them if they also accept birds but they dont. :(

i wear coat now to handle him and seems work at least till i find somebody.i also bring him to vet to trimmed his nails and beak because its sharp like a needle.

i will keep updating if there is new progress and wish me luck!!!!thank u thank u thank u guys!

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