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New CAG - what do I do next?


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Here goes...!


I made the decision nad have agreed to purchase a 3 month old CAG. I brought it to the vet (Thanks Kristin - you recommendation was another postive one for Roger Kehler) who thought it was an exceptional bird - healthy, alert, surprisingly calm throughout the examination. I saw all the different parts to be concerned about and am satisfied this little guy will be a trooper.


Now I need to get ready for the bird's arrival.

I found and purchased a cage from the Mainland which will arrive mid-October (46 x 29 x 59) - nice and roomy. The breeder says he had a temp cage he'd let me use until mine arrived. Sooo - what do I do now?


Any recommendations on key products, materials, preparation to ease the transition and welcome little guy into the house? I do have a dog. He's 70lbs and a creampuff (usually). I am thinking how best to manage that introduction.


Thanks again for all the feedback.


wow! this actually going to happen.

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Did you ever doubt it would, if you want it then it will happen.


Cage size is very good, lots of room to move around in.


We do have some threads here that already address the issue of what to do when bringing him home, so I won't repeat that, you should read thru a lot of the threads here for lots of good information.


Be slow and careful in introducing the dog to the grey, and never allow them out together in the same room until they are comfortable with each other and never, ever leave them alone when the grey is out.

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It wasn't so much doubt rather than the actualisation of making it happen. I bring the bird home on Sunday. I need to choose a name.


I did check some of the threads mentioned.


I was hoping (direction to the appropriate threads are welcome) to have some thoughts on "must have" items. Aside from the bird's individuality, are there certain things people like? cleaning products, training aids, toys, first aid kit?

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Thanks all.


I don't mean to be difficult but I found and read all these threads before I made my original post. Seems like there is no checklist so to speak of what to have on hand when bringing a bird home. I am sure everyone has their favorites to address certain aspects of their bird's behavior - sleeping cage, several perches, extra perch stand, specific toys, shoulder pad, harness, first aid kit for injuries, food, treats, whatever. I imagine through experience each owner looks back and says I wish I had this or done that or this was unnecessary. It's that collective wisdom I was hoping to tap into. I'll keep searching and post what I learn.


Tomorrow is arrival day - woo hoo!:woohoo:

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Just a little ps to the above...


I just read the "feather health" thread - very informative. That is the type of thing I was looking for. So for example on my list I'd add red palm oil and aloe vera juice to keep feathers shiny and healthy. I am assuming after most people reading the thread that red palm oil and alor vera juice are "must haves".

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Hi Maunaolu


Actually, no they're not *must haves* These are items that greatly benefit parrots internally and externally. But you shouldn't feel that you *must* get them. Lots of info has been given concerning it's benefits. Yes, it would be wise for a person to *consider* getting these items. Both items are inexpensive. One of these items is a bit harder to get but people can tell other people where and how to get it.

Some people here will say that those items are very good; others will say that they're not important.

What a person should focus on concerning those items is the lack of detrimental problems and bad remarks in the posts when using these items. People seem to be happy with the results. Some are extremely happy, some are just happy and some feel that it's okay not to use them.

It's up to individual owner to decide. Just remember that most items that're suggested will not hurt a bird. Many people who don't use these items have birds that're fine.


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MrSpock makes very good points here regarding RPO and AJ. Things were fine with both my Grey and Conure prior to introducing them to both. But, they are seemingly in better form as far as the skin and feathers go now. Being more supple and healthy looking.


I'm just happy, others can be happy either way. That always makes me happy, that their fine either way.


I think we are all being VERY politically correct on this topic. Atleast according to the Polls before making this statement anyway.....

clintonface.gif<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/30 02:22


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