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Getting excited, but the waiting stinks.

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Until Zulu comes home I guess I'll be busy reading and refreshing my memory on diet, body language and the like. These forums help greatly. We didnt have the internet when we got Garth and books were scarce and poor quality. Its so helpful to read about other Greys and there behaviours. Garth was bonded to my exhusband but I loved him nonetheless. I kept him after we divorced as my ex went into a small basement apartment and I refused to let the bird live in that situation, but he never did really take to me the way he did to my ex. I hope I am even better bird Mom this time around and I am sure these forums will be heavily utilized!

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Hello ZulusMom and welcome to our family, I am so glad to hear you are ready for another grey.

I am so sorry you lost your first grey but things happen for a reason even though we don't understand it and now Zulu is coming into your life and I know he/she will be so loved and taken care of. Its good you are taking this time to learn all you can and be prepared and I am sure things will go swimmingly when that big day arrives when Zulu joins you in your home.

Yes waiting can be very difficult, like waiting for Christmas morning to come but it will be here soon and then the fun begins, please do share some pictures when you get some.

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Hi ZulusMom, congrats on your baby grey. I joined this forum when I first decided a grey was now for me and hung around here for a couple a months before I brought Ana Grey home. The information here is priceless and the people very caring about greys. Enjoy! Welcome to the Grey family!

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this is definately the place to be :D i think there are lots here that have gone thru what you are now. I know I put my deposit down on Marco January 6th and finally brought her home April 7th I think it was ... the day before easter. so yes long waits but .... well worth it :D it'll fly by you'll see

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