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I was wondering if I'm giving willo too much food threw out the day?

in the morning i fix her fresh veggies roman lettuce,beet leaves and beets,water crest,green pepperer's,although she doesn't touch them alto. carrots, spinched,coconut,cabbage,broccoli,cauliflower,red lettuce,cucumbers,radish,Clayton leaves,snap peas,string beans parsely. now these are all organic as much as possible and uncooked.


she also has variety of baked potatoes sweet plan,turnip,peas,string beans,broccoli,pasta,brown rice,scrambled eggs,corn,oatmeal,cream of wheat,boiled eggs,


meats-tuna,chicken whole tiny bone plus chopped chicken,pork chops, she likes baked ham but i give her very little because i read its ot good for her.


fruit- all thats safe and organic she doesn't like bananas much but loves to sneak and chew off the ends of each banana! homemade applesauce made with mactoish apples straight from trees


seeds- sunflower seeds shelled and no salt,almonds,walnuts,peanuts bought on line from pet solutions.com,dried cranberries,blueberries,i buy her Grey pellets and seed bags also on line,


oh and once in a while organic baby food she loves pumpkin apple, my husband used to be a chief and he makes fresh meals daily and we shop at our farmers market alot. i combined a little bit of everything each day. she has breakfast,snack made fresh around 10 am lunch 11-12,snack 2 O'Clock,super 5-6.plus she has fresh pellets.seeds,in house bowl,top cage bowl,and her eating space in the kitchen on the counter (where she eats her meals and likes her snacks there too) all day.

everyday i dump out her pellets and bird seed into container that i give the outside birds, i don't want her eating anything stale. i also put string beans raw,pea pods in her house at night case she wants more than bird food. she has 2 water bowls in her house,plus one on top of her house and one on the counter. she also has birdie treat snacks i buy on line to hang in her house.although she has yet to eat any,i will leave them for couple days only. k hope iv explained this okay. Willo loves too eat and seems not to be to picky.of course we have given her a variety since she was done her formula.i used to puree her resh cooked veggies and mix them with her formula.she sooo loved this and her feedings. any suggestions to other foods and if I'm doing okay would be great.oh we do beans also,pinto,kidney,thanks sorry this is so long.

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Looks to me like Willo is getting good variety of foods but I am going to point out a couple that you should eliminate since they have very little nutritional value and they are cucumber and red lettuce, also you should substitute sweet potatoes for the white potatoes as they have more vitamins in them. The eggs should be limited to once or twice a week and of course you know she shouldn't have the ham as it contains too much salt. A chicken leg bone is good nutrition also just make sure it is baked and not fried. Go easy on the sunflower seeds, in fact if she loves them use them for treats when training, go easy on fruit, in fact don't feed it every day as it is loaded with sugar and make sure she has a good pellet to keep in a bowl at all times for her to nibble on. Grains and legumes are good and if you have ever tried sprouting those are excellent for them.

You don't have to stick with certain times too feed her as they usually browse and eat all during the day in the wild.

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thanks judygram it's nice to hear she's eating okay,ido leave food out all day,pellets,and bird food,and we eat white potatoes mainly just sweet like 2-3 month.will stop cucumbers and less in fruit and sunflowers. she is the light of my days!

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