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hello i haven't been on in a while and have a few questions.

Willo is now 7 months and growing so fast. just a quick info on Willo's home life.

I do not work so Willo is very rarely home alone,Willo is not clipped and flys wonderfully! she has use of the whole house except near cooking prep area. she has 4-5 favorite spots she hangs at.

my question though is she is taken out of her house around 8-830 am and does not go back in it till 8-9 pm . she will go on top too see what i have put in one of her food bowls or get a drink.

However she never goes it her house during the day.she has just started climbing on the backside of her house on the outside once in a while. she has a big cage I'm 5 4 and can fit in it and stretch out my arms. i have an open room living room kitchen,her house is near both rooms. but like i said she flys and goes to most rooms.i have been able to train her to go potty on her potty stand or over the trash can. she also does not go potty in her cage all night.when we let her out in the morning we bring her right to her potty stand and say go potty.and boy does she go!! she will also fly to the stand herself and go. i have perches and rope swings,ladders,play stands in all different areas.she also has braider rope from one side of the room to the other with toys above and below it. but I'm just wondering if it's normal and okay for her not to use her house except to sleep or when i have doc apts each week. and yes her house has 5 different types of perches hanging toys and fresh water,food. she is comfortable with her house and lets me put her in just fine when i need to. just wondering if this is okay? thanks

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Willo is one lucky grey to be out all day as most of our greys have to spend a good part of the day inside their cage since we work so nothing wrong with that, she sounds like a delightful bird especially since she knows where to go to poop, you have trained her well. Why should she use her cage if she has so many available perches, ropes, playstands and such to play and spend her time, she is nicely spoiled but in a good way, consider yourself lucky to have such an arrangement for her to enjoy, I see nothing wrong with what you are doing, keep up the good work.

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