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Rough Weekend


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I live in an extremely small town where, for the most part, everyone knows everyone. So when bad things happen, it affects the entire town. This weekend was a real rough one. Friday, a coach and his wife lost their full-term baby. Saturday, a teacher's assistant from the Elementary School committed suicide. Now this morning, a part of our adopted family, "Mimi" has gone on to be with the Lord. It is so hard to look around and see all the suffering and pain ... but it sure reminds you to count your blessings.

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You are so right for we do take life for granted, sometimes we forget that life is precious and we all only have a limited time on this earth and you do not have to look far to find someone else with more problems than we have so take each day as a gift and live life to its fullest until your day is called.

So sorry for your loss of Mimi.

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This has been an extra burden on your shoulders, I am so sorry for everyone involved. It is hard to know the suffering of the families involved. As your community comes together to support one another, it helps to know everyone cares. I am sorry for you losing Mimi. It is good that you can look to your other blessings and know you have comfort in your time of loss.

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Thanks for all the kind words :) Mimi's funeral was today - a wonderful celebration of her life. One more funeral to go tomorrow and then hopefully we will start to see the healing begin for those around us.

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Life is so often full of pain. It's a reality we try to deny but are confronted with in those "rough weeks" like you have recently experienced. I pray that in spite of the sadness you will find comfort in your relationships and find joy in all that this world offers== both bitter and sweet.

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