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Can anyone help?


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I was wondering if anyone here has any idea what's going on with my grey... Her head keeps turning around and is tilted over and it seems that she has no control. Kinda like a person with a kink in their neck. At times she is on the bottom of her cage without balance. Her head and neck still twisted. I have called the vet to get her looked at but where I live there is only one bird vet and he's on holidays... Any idea?

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You do need to get your grey to a vet, if your avian vet is away then any vet is better than none.This does not sound to good i'm afraid & your grey needs medical treatment to determine what is causing this.If your grey is loosing balance & is struggling to keep her neck straight it maybe neurological / seizures.

Please seek veterinary help ASAP

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This has been going on since last week-end... Her balance has been off twice that I have seen where shes been on the bottom of her cage. Her head is cocked or twisted around all of the time. She didn't touch her food for a couple of days before this started happening. Which was strange then this behavior followed. She is eating and drinking fine and seems to respond for the most part. Not as talkative as usual though. She can put her head upright but it seems that she only does it when I pet her. She's about 8 years old.

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honnedo i am sorry that you are not geting a response from the vets, can you not tell them that this is urgent ? monday is a long way off.

The only advice i can offer is to keep her warm, if she is on the floor of the cage put a towel under her for comfort so she is not sitting on a cold floor.Keep the noise down & avoid any stress for her.If she stops eating or is not eating sufficiently You may have to feed baby food or soft foods with an eye dropper or a small spoon with sides bent inwards.


Here is a bit of information about seizures, Does any of this apply to your bird ?


Seizures usually indicate a serious problem and often require immediate attention. The two most common causes of seizures are lead poisoning and calcium deficiency. The bird usually falls off its perch and flaps uncontrollably around the bottom of the cage (while screaming.) General causes of seizures include:


1. Diet low in calcium and vitamins B and D.

2. Toxins such as plants, lead, alcohol, chocolate.

3. Diseases - viral, fungal, bacterial parasitic, and brain tumours.

4. Severe injury to the head.

5. Hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar from diseases or failure to eat for several days.


When a bird is having a seizure, protect the bird from injury by removing perches, toys and dishes from the cage. You may consider placing the bird in a smooth-sided box. If the seizure lasts more than 2 or 3 minutes, seek immediate veterinary care. A sugar water solution made by mixing 1 teaspoonful of honey or sugar in 8 ounces of water and giving small amounts with an eye dropper may provide some temporary help.

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She's not flapping around at all... She's just hanging out and sitting with a cocked head. When she was on the bottom of her cage she was also very still. When her head is turned around it seems like shes trying to stretch her neck to get it back to normal. I would almost relate it more to a stroke...

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Well fingers crossed it's not seizures, it may well have been a stoke as this could effect her balance & her kind of paralysis with her neck that you are describing.As i said she really needs vet treatment, if you cant get her to one untill monday please just follow the advice in my previous post, keep her warm & maintain her nutrition if she is not eating well. I'm sorry i cant offer anymore advice, my thoughts are with you, please let me know what happens.

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