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Is Gracie Insecure?


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Over the last few months Gracie and I have been getting closer and closer. I do worry sometimes,however, that she may feel insecure. I know that Greys use contact calls to keep in touch with their flock, but sometimes I fear Gracie hates to be left alone for even a minute. Gracie will be sitting quietly--preening or playing with her toys when I leave the room for just a short while. The second I walk out of the room she starts contact calling. She uses vocalizations that she has learned from me--not natural bird sounds. She persists until I return and then she gets quiet again or starts to use her bird language again. I try to whistle or call back while I am out of the room, but she just keeps vocalizing until she sees me back in her line of sight. I leave for work daily for about 6 hours. When I get home, she is fine--usually stretching as if waking from a nap, so I know she doesn't persist her contact call ad infinitum. I just wondered if this is normal and what all of your experiences are.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Jeffnok, Gracie and my cag Dorothy are about the same age. I'm curious, what type of noises does she make when you leave the room? I do notice that when I leave Dorothy immediatley starts making the telephone noise. She makes the same exact noise as the phone ringing. I know that she has realized that when the phone rings I come to it so I think she does this to get me to come to her. I'm curious, what does Gracie do to call to you?

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Contact calling is completely normal and instinctual. In the wild, losing ones flock almost always means certain death. Thus, when they lose sight of the flock, they will start contact calling and listening to find the direction the flock is in. They are hard wired to always go with the flock.


They will use any chirp, whistle. words or sound they know. Using the phone ring is one of the first things these intelligent creatures use once they have learned that it rings and you go get it. Isn't that just too smart?


One thing we have always done, is describe where we are going in the house. Of course many times Dayo is on our shoulder as we go to whatever room it is. After a while, when you say for example I have to go work on the computer, they will know exactly where you are going because they have been there as well. They will still call for a while and may even tell you to "Turn off the computer" or that they need a drink of water etc. as they through their best reasoning and manipulative abilities out there to get you to come to where they are.


Isn't life with a Grey a full of new surprises each day? :)

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I'm glad this is normal. I knew they would do it to some degree. I was just concerned Gracie was doing it more than usual. One other thing I've noticed, is that Gracie flies to a forbidden place and calls me--knowing I will come right away to remove her.

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Isn't Gracie clever? She uses whatever is in her repertoire to coax you back with her. I think this is just as much of an effort to make sure you are okay out there somewhere without her as it is for her own desire to have you near. Both our parrots do much of the same thing. Whatever usually gets you on your feet such as going to a spot where she knows you will come get her will be her favorites. I have read that parrots can hear contact calls from their flock in the wild from miles away and that each member of the flock has his own contact call that lets them all know where the others are happily gathering food and doing other parrot stuff. My favorite with Java was when she learned to meow because we had an old infirm cat that would meow to go inside and out. I was sewing upstairs when I heard the cat and dutifully went to let her out, but she wasn't there. After the third time up and down the stairs, I went outside to see if maybe a neighbor cat was close to my house. I looked in the shrubs, I looked in the garage and couldn't find a cat. As I started up the stairs, I was on the third step when I heard the distinct meow... and it was this little bird getting me back in her sight any way she knew. I can sew for hours as long as I do a contact whistle every now and then and both parrots just go about what they were doing once they have established all is well.

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Ahh Jeff it is not Gracie who is insecure but perhaps Jeff LOL!!! Relax and know that you are a great parront and are if anything are being a little over cautious to see that Gracie is safe and knows she is loved. Believe me, she knows it and is just enjoying watching you prove your love again and again. Smart little lady. You should re-read some of your posts and you will see as we all do that you are a wonderful parront and Gracie knows it. Relax and enjoy your smart little girl.!!!!

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We always tell Brutus our status, meaning that we say, "We will be right back" or "We will be back in little while" or some other phrase that lets him know HOW LONG it will be before he sees us again. Maybe it is because he has other birds with him, but he never makes contact calls. He pretty much chills until we get back. Also, our house has a lot of windows, and frequently we are just outside, so he knows where to fly to see us. For some reason he has faith that we will return, even though he doesn't like us to leave. Maybe because we have a track record, in that we return when we say we will return. I always tell him how long I will be gone. I say, "I will be back in three hours or I will be back before it is dark, or "Mama is going upstairs, she will be right back" or something to that effect. i have no idea if he understands, but it is worth a try.


One thing Brutus does do which is sort of like a contact call is when I am gone he asks my husband, "Where's Mama?"

Edited by chezron
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