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OMG..He scream allll the day!


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thanks wingy i tried to put little bit of chamomile tea in his drinking bowl and i dont see any effect yet.i will try also the camomile spray maybe that will work.


nice to hear the support accapela,he still screaming and we still working on it to make him calmer.i found 4 big feathers today and one of them is bleeding so probably he take it off.

the vet dsnt find anything wrong on him and he is healthy.i just keep giving him aloe vera spray at least he dsnt pull out his feathers more.i hope he dsnt pluck his feather since he is only 15 months old and too young to be plucker :(

this is the common behavior oh him : he often flap his wings and scream.yesterday i had guest and he jump over and walk toward me and lung at my guest.he also scream when i talk with my guest.i put him back on top his cage and he jump again to reach me.i know he wont hurt anybody but he shows agression to people around me.we cant even talk because he scream and scream so finally i take my guest to restaurant.he bond with me but our relationship is not that close enough(he dsnt even step up very well yet) but i dont know why he dsnt like anybody come near me :( what is this mean?is he bond to me more closer??is the progress sopposed to be like this?


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You are doing all the right things; don't give up. It is so important for your own sanity that you reduce your stress with meditation, yoga, walking, even chamomile tea for you. Do you have even a tiny bit of yard or a balcony where you can have some plants? Do you have access to aroma therapy for yourself? You might try some lavender, especially at bedtime, if you have a bedroom away from Momo.

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thanks aerial and kitty...:) nice to hear your support.yes i will put my maximum power to win this guy,since he has been around 7 months in captivity now and maybe he wont survive if i just free him away.

yes i often try aroma therapy this week(and earplugs of course),because i dont have yard/garden to do meditation/yoga.

i also make chamomile tea for myself,my husband and momo. i try many method to solve his screaming issue for now and i will post soon if there is new progress.

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