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Speak! Bark.. Good parrot?


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Just a quick story about yesterday when I was trying to teach my beagle/bassett mix to "speak". After about three times of repeating "speak!" followed by a bark, I hear Rosie from my livingroom bark like a dog! SOOO funny! Out smarted by the bird (the dog never did catch on). So now it's our new trick! Speak Rosie, bark, good girl!!!

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lisachristine LOL! Rosie is a smartypants for sure! Sophie tells Ollie and Zoey... " outside now!" She does this certain cluck, they run for the door!( I don't even say that!) I always say " thanks Sophie, they were just out!" Once in awhile, they escape into the birdroom ( they all get along just fine.) Ollie will pee on her plastic under her cage. She yells " NO OLLIE! NO PEE! Nancy

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You got that right Ray! LoL Nancy! Rosie girl amazes me every day! I sit for hours watching her behavior from the couch and day dream about the day that we can actually make real physical contact. I know there's a small chance that she will never come around, but I have this gut feeling that she will. She has already "stepped up" but only with one foot. One year=one small baby step...Can't wait to see what next year brings!

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My Gracie-a 10 month old CAG- does a perfect imitation of my parents' Toy Fox Terrier. I don't know who is who. We are housesitting this week while they are on vacation and Gracie gets her jollies by barking and calling the dog over and then dumping her food bowl on the floor for him to eat. She is greatly amused.

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lisachristine... I have watched your interaction with Rosie. Not that I have any professional experience, but after owning a grey for past twelve years who is absolutely amazing, I suspect, you have a bird that is also going to be amazing! You have the patience, which is the most important thing, and the desire, to have your bird be part of your family. You are going to be great! Nancy

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Thanks Nancy. I hope she comes around someday, not for my own personal gain, but because she deserves to feel safe and loved by humans. I'm not 100% sure of her history, but the terror in her eyes tell a story that no animal should have to live. Luckily most of her neurotic behaviors have dissipated such as swaying back and forth (probably from nervousness or boredom) and screaming and jumping to the bottom of her cage whenever people walked by her. I find that being on this forum helps me realize how far she has come. Sometimes I get discouraged and second guess myself that maybe I'm not doing something right or that maybe there's someone out there that she would bond to better, but then I get on the forum and write a little about her then think "WOW! She really is making progress!". Either way she's suck with me! I'm starting to read her better and vise versa. It's the beginning of a beautiful, but distance relationship....

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Lisa Christine, we are on a similar track with Gilbert. I have to admit there are days I wonder if he imprinted with his beloved Jim and as a female I may never be accepted. Then, I realize that rehoming as has been done with him before was not the answer. No one will ever be Jim and even if Jim walked in the door today, chances are Gilbert would not accept him now either. So, we just take one day at a time, give him reasons to trust us and wait. As with you and Rosie, we can't see changes on a daily or weekly basis, we need only to go back to the beginning of our time together and from that distance we can see a remarkable progress. As you say, Gilbert is stuck with me now. When I get discouraged by a setback, I mark my calendar for six months. It is a lot easier to evaluate with a big picture approach. I think it says a lot for you to work every day without appreciation and acceptance. The day Rosie comes around and lets you know you are okay in her book will be a grand day for all of us.

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