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just want to share--i feel homesick :(


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three years passed already im so far away from my home.these days i feel more and more uncomfortable.sorry for long post but i dont have anybody here,so just want to share my feeling with somebody.:(

im living with freaky neighbor too.my flat is on ground floor and there is 2 neighbor flat and 1 security room.

*the neighbor in front of me : really like to talk a lot and hunt my husband for chit-chat.he is 65 years old,single,had been in mental hospital for 3 years,using drugs and likes to gossip in security place until 2am in the morning because he dsnt have anything to do.the manager cant do anything because last time he was ''high&error" and come out with knife to kill the manager just because there are kids playing in the garden and he cant sleep.he always ask to visit us and we always have to find reason to reject him.so,everyday we been hunt by him.any idea?

*the neighbor next to me: normal family,have 1 girl around 8 years old.they dont have anybody in this city too so they like to put their little girl in my home.i cant say NO because they know im always home and i fell bad to reject them.the girl is very rude,open my wardrobe and warehouse everytime she come.thats why i dont like her to come.she open my kitchen stuff and cook in my kitchen(without permission) and they put her from 1pm-1am in morning again.im tired,i have husband and im busy.she likes to disturb momo with stick,bang his cage and tortured him with water.i feel so bad,now i always runaway from them and they keep hunting me.last time i dont answer them and the girl bang my window and open it from outside--the wild cat come in and momo was very terible scared.i cant forgive her for this one.am i a bad person??

*security place always noisy,from 8am-3am again in morning.they shout,fight,gossip and all the noise come to my home.they put a loud music non-stop and the music wasnt nice at all.cigaret 24 hours non-stop and the smell come to my house too.again,i cant do anything because i feel bad to complain.


i really want to come back home soon,thanks God my husband eccept it and we planning to move sooner.but....how about momo?i cant trust somebody here to give my parrot away.i need 2500 usd to pass him to airport and 2000 usd to pay his tax.after research i find out he needs to be quarantine for at least 1.5 months(maybe more) and they will put him in the same room with other animal.i keep thinking about it over and over again and this make me stress.sometimes i can feel my heart is pain and i cant breath.any advise are welcome please..

thanks for let me share with you guys.God bless u all!

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I am sorry that you are so far from home and have so much stress. It sounds like a bad situation. It is not a bad person to tell your neighbors that you do not wish to babysit their child. It is enough to tell them that Momo is not a bird that likes to be around children and that it is unsafe to have them together because the child can get a bad bite. Be firm, say no apologies, just "No, this does not work for me." Practice with your husband and maybe he will tell them for you and keep you strong. Maybe taking away one thing that is upsetting will help. Can you get any earplugs to help at night when the people are talking outside in the security area? Maybe if you talk to the manager and another apartment would come to be available, they would let you move to a different unit, that would help a lot.

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You are in a bad situation and the sooner you can get out of it the better for the both of you and Momo.

Dee is right, you should not be keeping this child if you do not want to, they are taking advantage of you but only if you allow it so you need to develop a backbone and say no and tell them why you won't, your bird has to come first over their child, they will have to make other arrangements. Also you need to speak up and complain about the noise and the smoke coming to your unit not to mention the neighbor who is known to come after people with a knife, it sounds very unsafe where you live and the sooner you deal with this the better. I hope things work out for the better real soon but you need to act to make it happen.

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I have a window that doesn't have a good lock. I used a few pieces of an old broom and cut the wood so that it fit snugly in the window, one piece in each side, preventing it from being slid open. I also have thick cloth over that window to block out the heat/cold and prevent neighbors from peeking in.


My partner in crime has a family member with mental issues that cannot deal with someone not answering the door. All windows and doors in my home are always locked, secured and peek in proof in part because of this family member.

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Move as soon as you are able even if in the same town at least you would have new neighbors. Placing Momo will be a difficult decision for you and the quarantine may be a better option than leaving him with people you don't feel good about. Will they allow your visits in quarantine?

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This is insane! I wouldn't under any circumstances accept this if i were in your shoes. Speak up and take control of your life, take some serious action. If i can't deal with my neighbors then i will find a new place and move out. My life always comes first.

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i would like to move too,but its very expensive and i will get penalty for ending the contract before the time its supposed to be.a year ago,i wasnt in this neighbor hood,and it wasnt nice also.

i had a neighbor that dsnt allow us to listen to music or watching movie after 10 pm.they complained to us because we had visitor and we are laughing.they ringed my door and said:''can u stop watching movie and let people to visit after dark? and can tell your guest to not laugh??'' i was thinking like oh my god,i pay the rent and i cant watch movie in my own home??i cant even have visitor too!! and then i move to this apartment and........it getting more worse.


i cant do anything to the mental problem guy,the manager sued him once and the court dsnt eccept it because he was in mental hospital and there is no way to jail him since he dsnt have 'healthy brain'.last time he found out we complain and he slapped our security face till bleed.

my husband finally order a new window that cant be slide at least one problem solve.sometimes i feel bad,i dont allow the girl to come and they put the girl in the security place for many hours.i hope im not really a bad person but i really dont like what she did to my bird.what all of you gonna do if there is stranger come to your house,cook in your kitchen,bang your bird's cage,hit your bird with stick and throw cold water to your bird?? :(


i would be difficult for momo in quarantine place and they said for visiting its fine.i dont know,i hope there is a miracle come and i can bring him with me.

i alos need to find info if he can survive because of changing weather.here is dry weather and my country is extremely humid.


ohhh thanks everybody i feel better now after i shared my problem. God bless you all for give me good advise and support :)

Edited by Momo
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thanks kitty,i avoid them as much as i can now but they keep ring my door and i need to watch out if i go out from home because they will catch me when im coming back.

yesterday the girl is in security place again and keep ring my door hope if im home and i will open it for her.i know its bad but i dont have much option since last time she broke my husband table and laptop set so he dsnt allow her to visit me.

this is really insane since i cant even relax living in the apartment that i pay high per month! :(

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