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Hi, all...

Well, it was bound to happen.

We were eating potato chips in front of Klaus. He tried a bit. He LOVES them.

Luckily I almost never keep them in the house. I only let him have teeny-tiny bits, but man did he go crazy for them!

Have any of you ever let your bird have a little something that's not the greatest for them? I mean, of course nothing toxic, but something you'd rather they not make a habit of?

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Yes, Talon will have a chip, a Cheeto, a nacho, a cookie, anything she can get away with. It's not all the time, but pretty often. She never seems to finish any of them. I believe that once in a while these things will do no harm, although they will do no good either. :pinch: But unless you feed them a steady diet of junk food, an occasional one won't hurt them.

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Guest briansmum

brian gets a bite of a crisp (chip) or cookie, but thats all he gets.. well unless he has his determined head on :P


he has a good diet so i don't see that a nibble of something would do any harm. he doesn't get a lot because i dont want him to stop eating his veggies in favour of the junk food. which he hasn't so it's all good.

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yes, Salt is bad for them.


However, Salt exists to some extent in almost everything in trace amounts.


A little from a small speck of chip etc. won't hurt them as long as your not giving it to them every day.


Salt passes out of the body as it excretes fluids in various ways :-) in other words, it's not cumulative.

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Radar eats just about anything you give him. He loves wheat bread, eggs, sausage, pistachio nuts, almonds, raw onions,meat,chicken, milk. I don't give him nuch of these, and truth be known he waste most of it. The funniest thing he likes are cheetos. The problem is he eats just a little, but has learned that they make a great head scratcher. The first time I saw this I thought something terrible had happened. Imagine, that orange stuff from the cheetos all over his head and the side of his face. We all got a good laugh out of that.

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We give Makena treats every once in a while, but for the most part he isn't a fan of unhealthy stuff. I have offered him a chip before and he usually just leaves it and heads straight for his pellets. He doesn't like seed, loves his pellets (especially the red ones for some reason), loves fruits and veggies! I guess Mak is a health nut!


We were over at a friends house the other day, she has a severe macaw and we were SHOCKED by what she was feeding him... There was a bowl of potato chips and sunflower seeds in his cage. She was also feeding him whipped cream and ice cream!! :ohmy:

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Well, I'm glad I didn't completely ruin my bird by letting him have some specks of chips. To me it was like those rare, rare occasions when you let your child have a cookie before dinner.

I promise to keep it to "once in a while" (for us and for Klaus!).

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Kristin, I would have been shocked tot at that friend and what they were feeding their macaw, I hope you straightened them out if they want their bird to live a long life.

Greys like us like a lot of things that are not good for us but a pinch once in a while is not going to hurt them, moderation is the key and it works for us too.

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That's good to know that Greys are lactose intolerant. Makes sense. They have no reason to have the enzyme that breaks it down since it wouldn't be part of their natural diet.


And onions are part of the daffodil family. Very toxic actually. My whole family is allergic to them (can't handle the toxin) and some people get a buzz off of it. WHOOHOO!!!

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