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Plucking feathers...just when almost recovered!


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Hi everyone. My grey was a plucker A long while ago. The vet said to feed her pellets instead of food. That seemed to be working but ever since we bought a new cage he's been very nervous and started to either pull her new feathers on her chest out or to break the ones on the top of her wing. I have no clue how to stop this coz she gets in a frenzy and won't stop no matter what. :confused:

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The new cage is too much of a shock for her. Please place her back in her original cage if possible and let her get used to seeing this new one and exploring over to it in her own timing. She just lost her sanctuary of safety and does not know she should be excited about a new sanctuary.

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She's been in her new cage for 2 weeks now. We got rid of the old cage. When we introduced her to the cage my dad made sure to stand with her and let her check out the new one for a long while. And I'm with her most of the time standing next to her and talking to her. She moves around to the bottom of the cage and to the feeding bowels. Her old cage was much too small and had no nice perches for her to sit outside of the cage. now I'm worried! Is there anything else I can do to make her feel at home??

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***She moves around to the bottom of the cage and to the feeding bowls****


That's definitely a very common sign of fear. This will definitely cause plucking/chewing/pulling the feathers. Since you dumped the old cage, I would advise you to take out any new toys and try to put some of the old ones back in. Put some plain pieces of wood in the cage for chewing. Attach a 10 inch perch to the inside of the door. Let your bird have the option of coming in and out of the cage when he wants to. If you have an old playstand, put it near the cage.

What type of new perches did you get? Natural knarled long branch type wood makes the best perches. Don't give her loads of attention. Let her relax and get used to new things slowly. 2 wks isn't enough time. Expect her to chew her feathers some more.

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Ok. Will follow this. I'm not sure about the perches. We used 2 out of 5 from the old cage. Do you think I should soak her in aloe Vera now or after she settles down in her new cage

Edited by nasupops
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nasupops... Unfortunately, by getting rid of the original cage, your baby is feeling vulnerable. Even by your dad being in front of the cage. Usually, most parents put the old cage, next to new cage, and it takes several months to moveover. I think it is more important, to open the doors of new cage. Hopefully, you have someone available to superivice? It took Sophie a year, to love her new cage. I couldn't rush her. She ignored her old cage, decided to move into Amazon and Sunconure cage.( continued to ignore her new palace!) So now I had three birds of different origins, in one cage! They were driving me crazy! I told them... I was leaving them with three cages, two gyms, work it out, and let me know what you all have decided. They worked it out. Nancy

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Thanks Nancy, I had no idea about the new and old cage part. I wish I knew beforehand. I always open the cage doors and always put new food and water for him and sometimes some apple or other fruit. Seems to me like she's getting used to the cage very slowly. I sprayed her with aloe Vera and she's stopped plucking her feathers!

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