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Sleep Cages


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How many of you utilize separate sleep cages for your fids? With our birds being housed right in our busiest area of the house, I've been considering moving them to a different part of the house in small sleep cages to ensure a better night of sleep. Amali is covered at night, but it isn't always completely quiet in that area so I think moving her would be a better option. Additionally, the new double stack cage is so huge that I don't even know if I can find anything big enough to get Tucker's lower area covered well enough!


I recently ordered two of these - http://www.mysafebirdstore.com/CARRIERS-Collapsible_Fold_Away_Carrier_24.html


Now as soon as my oldest daughter gets married in August, I will convert the fids over to sleeping in her room in those sleep cages.

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The cages you purchased look like what I have for Gracie (CAG) as a travel cage. I think it would be appropriate for a sleep cage. I live alone and put Gracie to bed around 9 PM. I cover her and leave the room. It works for us. I think your idea is great. Keep up posted.

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One of my birds has a sleep cage in my bedroom. The other 2 do not. But all my cages get covered at night, and I agree with Nancy, Bedtime is important. I would never use the cages you bought on the floor. They will not like it. They are good, but you must put them up on a table or stand. Birds ALWAYS want to sleep n the highest place they can find.

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The only time my birds use a sleep cage is when they spend the night away from home and that is usually Josey who accompanies me when I go visit my son and she is covered whether at home or away but I usually set her cage on the floor and she is fine with it.

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I can't start a new sleep cage routine until my oldest daughter moves out (wedding is in August) and then her bedroom will become my domain again - haha! (Well, more like extra bird stuff storing space!) I just think that moving them away from the busy area so they get more quiet and dark hours would be beneficial. Amali has always been covered so I will continue to do that with the sleep cages. If she and Tucker become friendly, I will put the sleep cages under the same cover - otherwise, they will each get covered separately.

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I will not be using a sleep cage. The only place I could put it is in my bedroom and I am not quiet in my sleep. I wake myself up almost nightly because I'm either singing in my sleep or snoring loudly. I think it will be quieter for Jake in the living room. I don't go to bed late and he will be welcome to sleep anytime he likes.

Edited by Wingy
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No sleep cage, they have a room that is theirs and are out all day long flying through the house. They are happy to go into their cages with a nighttime snack at evening time, well most of the time. LOL! Each does have a roomy travel cage for overnights, emergencies or sunshine time.

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