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Boy or girl???


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Okay....my secret is out. I have committed to getting a Panama . :o

I still can't believe it is happening, however, there has been a slight glitch in my plans. I have been watching and handling this clutch since hatch and was expecting to get a boy. To make a long story short, the "boy" I was watching may well be a girl.


DOES ANYONE HAVE THOUGHTS (ok, I know you all will have thoughts :rolleyes:) Any advice on choosing an amazon with regard to male or female? I currently have Shadow the grey who loves men most. lol


Help...I will likely need to decide tomorrow morning when I visit again.



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OK I will put in my two cents.

I think a girl is the way to go. IMO you will not have to deal with the hormonal issues that a male zon can bring to the table.

I have a blue front female that has very mild issues when she is in season but the BFA male is one of the hot three zons and can be very aggressive when in season, but the different amazon species will very in their temperament. IMO.

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Thanks for your input Ray! I am so confused because we picked "our" bird based on it's even temperament even as such a young chick...it was the best behaved during the blood draw for DNA testing even surpassing the original bird we were looking at. My friend is the breeder so I have been trusting her judgement, but she is sincere about me talking to folks who live with these birds into adulthood. She is really an amazing person. Panamas are known for their mild manners, but.......I am hoping more people will respond!


Perhaps kharma is on my side, the female DNA is a happy accident and I should go with the best personality??

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Jayd...are you saying a girl is a better choice? Even with the potential for the B*%&$ to surface in season?

Shadow was rather OCD when she was in season this spring.


I am very interested in your thoughts. Does anyone have experience with the Panama?

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Jayd...are you saying a girl is a better choice? Even with the potential for the B*%&$ to surface in season?

Shadow was rather OCD when she was in season this spring.

I am very interested in your thoughts. Does anyone have experience with the Panama?

Yes, I agree with Ray...:)

Here you go....http://www.avianweb.com/panamayellowfrontedamazon.html


Thanks Jay

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Well, I spent the better part of the day with the babies....turns out the male is the largest and calmest of the group, however, there is a female available too. She is tiny. Of course they are all very cute! I wish my family had an opinion, but it looks like I am really relying on your input. If you haven't noticed, decision making is not easy for me. I really liked this big boy but after your input and reading a bit more, it seems the female might be a safer choice. The little girl is in the middle with the pale beak, boy is on the bottom.


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Well, I spent the better part of the day with the babies....turns out the male is the largest and calmest of the group, however, there is a female available too. She is tiny. Of course they are all very cute! I wish my family had an opinion, but it looks like I am really relying on your input. If you haven't noticed, decision making is not easy for me. I really liked this big boy but after your input and reading a bit more, it seems the female might be a safer choice. The little girl is in the middle with the pale beak, boy is on the bottom.


Picking a Zon is "like a Box of chocolate, you never know what you'll get". Go with your heart!

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I have a male BF zon who is now 4 years and 6 months old. He is the sweetest most gentle guy. I've talked about my Louie who won't let me hold him but he does sit on my arm on his terms. He flies to me and sits on my arm as his choice. He is a nibbler, not a true biter. He just seems to need to nibble on me or anyone and I have not figured out why. He is a rehome that I have had for a couple of years now. He is the most liked of my three parrots although he won't like anyone touch him. He will not step up unless I am seated. Why I don't know. Louie is always busy and fully of fun and energy. If he had had a loving home in the beginning I wonder what he would have been like because he so wants to be loved and to love but is afraid. Maybe someday. Choose the zon you want, they are all different and if they are given a loving home that makes all the difference in the world.

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Well, taking all three was the suggestion of my teenagers! Not an option!!! Even if it would make me an expert..lol


Luvparrots..are you worried what the next few years might bring?

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Kiki, our Oranged winged Amazon, is a girl We raised her from sixteen weeks. She is now, at least ten years old. We have never struggled with her hormonal issues, until this year. We survived, but the entire family, was concerned.She's not a great talker, but is the best flyer, more willing to try all new foods. Kiki is kind, tolerates differences with all our birds. Kiki has never bit me, nor would she ever consider doing so. She respects Sophie, our grey, but if she disagrees, she holds her own! Nancy

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Well....after much consideration, I think we have decided to go with the tiny girl. She has a very sweet story an I actually saw her the day she hatched! I have always been drawn to tiny.... premature babies, chihuahuas and even my grey is a tiny girl. I can not thank you all enough for your input and look forward to sharing our story with everyone as we watch this little girl grow. I am so lucky that she is less than an hour way in a great place learning how to be a bird. :)

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