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Coconut water... Luna loves it


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last week the grocery store had flavored coconut water on sale for a buck each. so i have read that coconut water is great for parrots so i got a couple. her favorite is coconut with mango. its loaded with electrolytes but has salt and sugar so a once in a while treat it is.


by the way, i tasted it and BLEAH!! nasty nasty nasty.


here is the nutrition value of coconut water. you can change the quantity with the drop-down at the top. i am going off a 100g severing. i give Luna like 4-5 table spoons a couple times a week.





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Coconut water is ok, whats in it isn't... Remember, salt and sugar is accumulates, so it's better safe than sorry to buy a coconut and milk it...The purpose of coconut water is to replace the salt in our system, not good for parrots..This really isn't a good product for our parrots. The amount of potassium could cause a diuretic reaction in our fids......Sorry....




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you know bananas are loaded with sugar and potassium right? ive seen wild parrots chowing down on bananas in Panama. nearly every parrot owner i know gives their bird fruit. there is nothing wrong with giving them foods they really like in moderation.


1 tablespoon of coconut water straight from the coconut has 16mg of salt, 0mg of sugar and a whopping 37.5mg of potassium. so is milking a coconut really any better? i posted a link to this info in my OP.

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you know bananas are loaded with sugar and potassium right? "ive seen wild parrots chowing down on bananas in Panama. nearly every parrot owner i know gives their bird fruit." there is nothing wrong with giving them foods they really like in moderation.

1 tablespoon of coconut water straight from the coconut has 16mg of salt, 0mg of sugar and a whopping 37.5mg of potassium. so is milking a coconut really any better? i posted a link to this info in my OP.


Please, by all means give your parrot what ever food you wish and yes, moderation is the key. Please look up the word "accumulate". All parrots have a different diet, " nearly every parrot owner i know gives their bird fruit" I'm sure you mean this in general terms, A Amazon requires more fruit in their diet then a cockitiel which requires next to none, others parrots live on nectar and fruit and flowers, cockatoos and "Tiels" and keets live on seeds. Now to Greys, 1 grape a day is enough for a Grey, they like them and most fruit and they will eat a bunch of them at a time, that doesn't mean it's good for them...The banana trees in the wild don't have added man made chemicals, processed sugar and added salts, [potassium is a salt] this is where the word accumulate comes into play..

A few apple seeds won't hurt a parrot, but when the accumulate over time, it can kill them. Salt, a parrot has no way of eliminating it from their system. Sugar has no food value and a Grey will fill itself on fruit which causes runny poop instead of food they need to survive.....

Yes, milking a coconut is not only safer but better then man made power water designed to increase salt levels in your system. What harm can come from giving your parrot,let alone a Grey potentially harmful foods in moderation??? Death, stunted growth and improper muscle development, vitamin deficiencies, vitamin overdose etc etc etc, check it out. Whats good for us, isn't most of the time good for our feathered friends.

What I wrote isn't only a opinion but scientific facts. I wish I could give to all that are in my care all that they "really like" but it's that word "care" that stops me from doing it...........




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  • 1 month later...

Jayd i dont know if you are just being obtuse or just trolling. are you seriously saying farmed bananas contain more in sugar and salt than wild bananas??? wow dude i would love to see the science behind that. The only difference between a "wild" and farmed banana is the size of the seeds. wild bananas have much larger seeds. they are exactly the same banana in nutrition. as far as chemicals.... well that's why you wash them and PEEL THEM before you eat them.


you saying that parrots do not get rid of salt from their bodies is flat out 100% wrong. Excess salt is excreted through the kidneys. Just like humans, they will drink extra water to assist the kidneys in this function. So their is no build up over time unless salt is frequently excessive in the diet, or if there is kidney disease. please learn your facts and stop spreading misinformation and flat out false statements.


yes potassium is a salt but it is NOT TABLE SALT. there is a big big big difference between the two, chemically they are not the same at all. please learn the difference.


"What I wrote isn't only a opinion but scientific facts." dude i think you need to take science class over because your facts are nothing but opinion and are far from being scientific fact.

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Jayd i dont know if you are just being obtuse or just trolling. are you seriously saying farmed bananas contain more in sugar and salt than wild bananas??? wow dude i would love to see the science behind that. The only difference between a "wild" and farmed banana is the size of the seeds. wild bananas have much larger seeds. they are exactly the same banana in nutrition. as far as chemicals.... well that's why you wash them and PEEL THEM before you eat them.


you saying that parrots do not get rid of salt from their bodies is flat out 100% wrong. Excess salt is excreted through the kidneys. Just like humans, they will drink extra water to assist the kidneys in this function. So their is no build up over time unless salt is frequently excessive in the diet, or if there is kidney disease. please learn your facts and stop spreading misinformation and flat out false statements.


yes potassium is a salt but it is NOT TABLE SALT. there is a big big big difference between the two, chemically they are not the same at all. please learn the difference.


"What I wrote isn't only a opinion but scientific facts." dude i think you need to take science class over because your facts are nothing but opinion and are far from being scientific fact.


OT but interesting https://www.google.com/search?q=do+bananas+have+seeds&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

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Jayd i dont know if you are just being obtuse or just trolling. are you seriously saying farmed bananas contain more in sugar and salt than wild bananas??? wow dude i would love to see the science behind that. The only difference between a "wild" and farmed banana is the size of the seeds. wild bananas have much larger seeds. they are exactly the same banana in nutrition. as far as chemicals.... well that's why you wash them and PEEL THEM before you eat them.


you saying that parrots do not get rid of salt from their bodies is flat out 100% wrong. Excess salt is excreted through the kidneys. Just like humans, they will drink extra water to assist the kidneys in this function. So their is no build up over time unless salt is frequently excessive in the diet, or if there is kidney disease. please learn your facts and stop spreading misinformation and flat out false statements.


yes potassium is a salt but it is NOT TABLE SALT. there is a big big big difference between the two, chemically they are not the same at all. please learn the difference.


"What I wrote isn't only a opinion but scientific facts." dude i think you need to take science class over because your facts are nothing but opinion and are far from being scientific fact.


Facts: Here's some,

African Greys should not be fed a diet that is high in fat and protein. A lean diet is recommended as recent studies have indicated heart disease and arteriosclerosis occuring in Greys in their late teens and twenties.


Avocado and chocolate are considered toxic for birds and sugar and salt should be avoided.





  • SALT

    Consumption can cause excess drinking and urinating, depression, neurologic hyperactivity, tremors, and death. When necropsied, birds with excessive consumption of salt have a great deal of fluid buildup in the brain and are hemorrhaging.

    Remember, a bird eating one potato chip with salt is comparable to our eating 50 chips!

Fact, Parrots excrete salt in a different way then humans..

Where a banana is grow determines the nutrient composition..They are not the same.

Coconut water is also a diuretic

With this said lets re frame from calling people "Dude" and please follow your own advice.

Please believe what you wish, just remember it could turn around and bite you on your rear Dude...


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