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Piper's Second Night in his Forever Home!


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All my birds are covered and sleeping in their cages....seeing as I have no idea if Piper has ever been covered at night, i only half cover his cage until he gets used to it. Piper is talking up a storm tho. Hes saying "Pretty bird", "you're a pretty bird" and making several kissy sounds! He's whistling a song I can't quite pinpoint. He finally is starting to relax and settle in.

Today every time I walked by his cage and said pretty bird or talked to him, he came oer to the front of his cage close to me. I keep his cage door open and he spends most his time on top of his cage.


He is sooooo cute!!! I love the adorable voice he has!!! And he's gorgeous too! Yup, I'm in love.....l:cool:

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I have had a fascination for cockatiels for over 40 years and you never know what the little snots can come up with when you are not looking.

One teil I had could say over 30 words along with more sounds than I can remember. They can make a bad day the best day ever.

I can remember each and every tiel I ever had and that is because each was their owm bird with their own take on life.

I have never had one day with out a tiel in over 40 years and I will not stop now.

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Well even tho my bedroom is upstairs in the other end of the house, and Pipers cage is downstairs in the kitchen area.......I was awaken at 5:30AM by the loud whistling of the Zelda Theme song repeatedly....he's adorable!!

Edited by Talon
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