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Oliver had a seizure this evening...


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That was one of the scariest things i have seen in a while. Pat was holding him on his arm so i could mist him with the feather in and he just slipped right off his arm. He has a frozen wing so he hit like lead. We checked him over and there was nothing we could see, he went about his venture of walking around. Pat picked him up and was going to sit with him and before he got seated Olivers one leg curled into a ball. Pat thought he had a cramp so he was rubbing it for him, he thought he helped him but before he could set his foot back down his other one curled up. All he could do was hold him and help him by talking to him that everything was going to be okay. On the other hand, I, who normally is the strong one, was running around like an idiot telling him i had to get on the forum and find out what we needed to do. Doh! Never crossed my mind to call the vet, my mind went to you guys! It only lasted a few minutes max and he back to his normal self now, but it seemed like hours to me. Calling the vet tomorrow though, no offense, lol.

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I am so sorry you had to go through this. You are both such a comfort to Oliver. Our daughter has epilepsy and the seizures are much worse on us than on her because she isn't fully aware during a seizure. She sleeps for a long long time afterward but according to our doctors and literature I've read, the seizure doesn't cause any damage to the brain, it is described somewhat as an electrical misfiring and reset. Both my African grey Congo babies with PDD had seizures and all we could do is hold them and keep things quiet for them as they tried to make sense of it in their own way.

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Spoke to the vet and since he has had no more and has shown no side effects, he said to relax and keep an eye on him. If he starts acting funny bring him in asap. I noticed that he isn't gripping my arm when i hold him but when walking i always hold my hand over his feet anyway. My husband on the other hand he gripped but wouldn't let him touch his feet. I'm sure i am putting more into everything he is doing right now but i'm a paront! None of this is keeping him from eating though, here is a picture from tonight, i had just got some veggies from the garden for dinner and hardly got the door shut before his head was in the basket getting first choice!

Thank you all for the support and well wishes!


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Oliver had his first misting since his seizure, he wanted it, I had said i wouldn't until he was ready. I have stopped the feather in, of course i finally figured out how to use it and now i am afraid of it! Lol It has taken him about 4 days to be himself again, not grumpy and subdued. But now i need to get his nails trimmed, here come the grumpies again!

It is storming here this morning and i just wanted to share what the news has been saying... "Be careful out there driving, the roads are wet" Really, its raining and the roads are wet? Go figure! I gotta change the channel. Lol The wet roads are trumping the earthquake last night that happened a few cities over.

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Off to the vet today to get our nails done. Boy i hope this goes well. Even though the vet doesn't do the trim himself, after his seizure, he wants to be there just in case. I am weirdly excited to take him because the last time they saw him he was really sick, not near the feathers he has now... I get to show him off!

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Woo hoo! All is good on the Oliver front! Vet was very happy with how he is progressing! Couldn't get a weight but said he feels fatter, lol. Oliver was being so good that he even trimmed his beak a weeeee bit and it didn't phase him at all. Oliver has stopped chewing wood very much anymore and has moved on to metal so his beak was jagged. He has about ruined the stand he uses and has figured out the latch over the food and water bowls on it so poop on the toys! He thinks it is just funny to see me put a fresh bowl of food in there. He runs to it, unlatches it and throws it to the floor. Lol eh, who cares, i love him!!!

Is sugar free jello ok for birds in very limited itty bitty bites. ( as in training ) I have not given it to them but they are very curious about it.

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