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The Language of Zon

Ray P

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This subject has been coverd many many times about amazon body language and that their body language is very easy to read and its speaks very clearly. Well I agree, BUT you will read a lot about how a zon can go from nice to mean in a heart beat and that their body language will give you a warning and tell you when this is happening. The flaired tail fethers, the pinned eyes The stand up feathers and their growl. Back off human I have had a enough, leave me alone. So they say listen to their body language so you won`t get hurt.

If this is the only part of their body language you understand than you are going to miss out on a lot of special times with your amazon. This lesson was taught to me by Cricket my amazon.

With a amazon you need to learn to read the good stuff also and they speak gentle just as clearly as they give their warnings.

Cricket has this sweet look when she wants your attention, she will also drop her head for a head scratch and make quiet sounds of content, climb up on my shoulder and just chatter.

If you learn to read their I am ready body language and take advantage of what they tell you than you well see less and less of the flaired tail, the stand up feathers, the pinned eyes and the growl.

OK now its your turn to tell us about your zons I want you body language





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You are so right. If you are able to take te time to read the body language of a Zon, then you will have a very fullfilling relationship with it. They will bring you love and comfort, yes comfort on bad days, they sense it, and will resort to just being quiet, being there with you, and cuddling when you need it. Not at all like a grey, on a bad day, they are usually close by and quiet.


Nilahdoes all the signs, eye pinning, tail flared, omitting her cologne, but no growl.....hisses like a snake only. She will step up when she is doing that if tell her too...good bird! But she does this behaviour when she is mad, guarding her cage, she is VERY protective over her cage, we are NEVER allowed to put our hand in her cage as far as she is concerned, or she will bite hard, doesn't stop me if I have to tho.:) she also does this behaviour when she is excited, and we have company and she is flirting with them.

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I have never seen any anger or "I want to be alone" body language from Louie. He always follows me around from room to room and sits where he can see what I am doing. He is always just open and trying to understand what I would like him to do or where I would like him to go. He has the most beautiful brown eyes with long lashes that always are smiling. He does like to nibble on me, not bite but nibble and when I figure that out then we're golden.

Edited by luvparrots
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Kiki, our Amazon, is bonded with Sean. He always showers and loves her! She had a shower Sunday, after spaghetti fiasco. On Tuesday, she asked Ryan to take her in the shower. He called me at work. I told him, give her a shower! Now Kiki loves Ryan, wants to be with him all the time. Sean is feeling slighted... Ryan is home, so has time to spend with Kiki. Kiki is following Ryan around like crazy... Sean is NOT happy! Not sure what I should do! Nancy

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  • 7 months later...

This is the thread I have been searching for! Our rescue Amazon Kiwi has been a real puzzler. The experience so far has been very positive with me trying to figure out his likes/ dont likes as well as his body language. So, here is the puzzler. He definitely tells me when he wants me to come get him from his cage. He climbs frantically and leans out towards you when he wants to step up. When he doesnt want to step off his mouths very aggressively my hand or arm - no biting. Although his beak is so sharp and strong. With all that being said, he starts pinning his eyes literally every couple of minutes. Like Ray P said - he changes in a heartbeat. He doesnt growl. he makes some sort of click noise. Eye pins and occasionally he flairs his tail feathers. I truly do not know what's causing it. He is friendly. He has let me massage his beak and stroke his feathers. I've tried keeping him by his cage, away from his cage, same with the playstand. He just does it so much I can't read the cause or issue. He wont step off of me when he is pinning either (I thought he might have decided he didnt like being with me). Do Amazons do the eye pinning that much normally?

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I pinning dose not always mean back off. When Cricket gets excited she will also pin her eyes so you must understand what combination of eye pinning along with their body language go together when they are happy or sad. Each amazon is different in how they speak, I refer this as having an accent. When a southern bell speaks and a lady from Boston speaks you kind of know about where they come from.

The longer you have your amazon the more you will see and understand what I am trying to say.

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I agree with Ray. Nilah will pin her eyes really fast when shes excited, she will fan her tail and puff her chest out with her wings open a bit to show her pretty colors. She also will pace back and forth as well.


I don't see eye pinning when she is mad. She keeps her temper inside so you can't see it. She will just fly, attack, or bite and fly off before you ever knew what was going to happen. She shows no signs when she's mad....


She does have an attack mode when she's in her cage, don't EVER put your finger near her cage, or she will BITE! She is very protective over her cage. It's HER domain, and we are to stay clear. She will r each thru the bars just to let you know, it's HER home. Quite funny to see, I'm usually giggling when she tried to assert herself like that.

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Ray P and Talon - thanks for the great info. You were both spot on and the information you gave helped Kiwi and myself finally have a bonding moment that has lead to some great times. I decided to assume he was excited and happy and instead of trying to get him back to his cage top I just started playing with him. He loved it. He was wrestling with me and flipping sideways and upside down in my hands! I was scratching his beak and giving him scritches. Now we have gotten so close in just two days he spends his down time on my lap preening himself and then he will step up and preen my face. It's great. I really appreciate you both letting me know about being happy and excited. Otherwise I may never have gotten comfortable enough with Kiwi.

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Ray P and Talon - thanks for the great info. You were both spot on and the information you gave helped Kiwi and myself finally have a bonding moment that has lead to some great times. I decided to assume he was excited and happy and instead of trying to get him back to his cage top I just started playing with him. He loved it. He was wrestling with me and flipping sideways and upside down in my hands! I was scratching his beak and giving him scritches. Now we have gotten so close in just two days he spends his down time on my lap preening himself and then he will step up and preen my face. It's great. I really appreciate you both letting me know about being happy and excited. Otherwise I may never have gotten comfortable enough with Kiwi.


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