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Getting Ready to Move


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Hello all,


We're finally starting to get ready to move to Hawaii! I've been cleaning nonstop for days, and boxes are being packed. However, we've run into some trouble finding an affordable way to bring Noodle with us right away. Cody's parents have agreed to let him live at their house until we can bring him out (hopefully a couple months, max.), but I do have some concerns. Primarily, how will he cope with the separation on top of a new environment? We are planning to spend a couple weeks with him at their house before we go to get him settled in, but I'm worried that he will think we abandoned him. Has anyone else made a difficult move with their baby, or spent significant time away? If so, any advice or information would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks everybody!


<3 SaladNinja and Noodle

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This is going to be a tuff one any way you look at it.....Alot is going to depend how long you'll be apart. A Grey lives in real time as we do, they experiences hour's, days, months etc. Another point, make his area as close to the one he's leaving as possible, cage? toys, smell etc.....Good luck

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We are moving his cage to Cody's parents', along with all of his toys. We bought tons of extra food, too, so he won't have to change diet. We are hoping that spending some time with them and getting him integrated into their routine will help as well, since they will know how to interact with him, how to play, feed, bathe, and cuddle after seeing how we do it. We're trying to make the move as low-stress as possible; Cody keeps telling me to think about just how happy he will be to see us again, which helps :)

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Do Cody's parents have a computer? My husband travels a lot, so he Skypes us on the road. Brutus is used to seeing his face on the computer. He flies over and gives him a "kiss." I think it helps so much! If you Skype Noodle he may not feel so abandoned. If not, can you make a video or tape recording that his parent's can play for him when you are gone? I hope you will be reunited as soon as possible.

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We are moving his cage to Cody's parents', along with all of his toys. We bought tons of extra food, too, so he won't have to change diet. We are hoping that spending some time with them and getting him integrated into their routine will help as well, since they will know how to interact with him, how to play, feed, bathe, and cuddle after seeing how we do it. We're trying to make the move as low-stress as possible; Cody keeps telling me to think about just how happy he will be to see us again, which helps :)

Sorry, I was referring to your new home.

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Do Cody's parents have a computer? My husband travels a lot, so he Skypes us on the road. Brutus is used to seeing his face on the computer. He flies over and gives him a "kiss." I think it helps so much! If you Skype Noodle he may not feel so abandoned. If not, can you make a video or tape recording that his parent's can play for him when you are gone? I hope you will be reunited as soon as possible.


Greyt reponces.....

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I assume you have looked into what requirements there are for bringing pets into the state of Hawaii for I have relatives who used to live there and they had to quarantine their dog for 3 months before they could bring him into their home after they moved, don't know if things have changed now or what it would be for bringing a pet bird into the state but no other state is as careful about what is brought in than Hawaii.

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